Are baby chicks too dirty to hold?


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2018
We are getting 6 baby chicks (3 Buffs and 3 Barred Rocks) in a few weeks (FYI - never have had chickens before). We have the brooder all ready to go and think we will put it in the basement - due to smell and dust (or so I have heard). We would like them socialized though so I am a little nervous about not having them upstairs with us. I guess I will have to go visit the basement a lot.

My question is about the socializing of the chicks. I have seen so many pictures of people cuddling with them and letting them on their furniture. Aren't they very dirty? Can't they carry diseases? I was planning on just holding them but do I need to change my clothes every time I interact with them? Should I be too worried about this? Help!
You can hold them though they won't necessarily like it. Consider a giant hand coming out of the sky attached to a giant being. And think about that from the point of view of a prey species.

They might poop on your hands. Chickens poop where ever they happen to be when the urge strikes. That is why you wash your hands. Day old chicks in your house aren't likely to be carrying diseases.

While they aren’t necessarily dirty, they may have germs. If you get have hatched chicks with shells, don’t allow children to handle them or other chickens to eat them. They contain feces and bacteria from the chick that was inside. As a precaution, always wash hands after handling chicks or older birds. You never know what they could be into and it is always better to be safe than sorry.
I kiss my chickens and chicks. I can't NOT kiss them.

I'm a healthcare professional. Haven't gotten salmonella in almost a year of chickenkeeping, and my lips haven't rotted off yet, lol!

ETA: Just wash your hands or sanitize after handling, don't let babies or immunocompromised people handle them, you should be fine. I keep a pumpable thing of Purell next to my brooder. My hands are dry, but oh well.

I don't think my chicks smell. If you keep the brooder clean, they actually have a kind of pleasant smell. Like warm, fuzzy chicken and sunshine. They do walk in their poo and they will poop on you, but that is the nature of baby chicks....totally worth it!
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