
  1. IndigoAngel

    Urgent! Booty Bombs on my girls

    I have an emergency situation on my hands with my flock re: poopy butts. Due to a massive family emergency, I have been out of town for most of the last 6 weeks - usually gone for several days, home for one or two, gone again. When I returned home this weekend, after a 9 day absence, I found...
  2. creedatticus

    Silkie Feet

    how often should you clean silkie feet? is it bad if they are dirty?
  3. creedatticus

    Silkie Chick Dirty Feet

    we have two silkies, and they are about 6 weeks. they walk around in their brooder (soon to be coop!) and they get poop on their feet. the poop is sticky. and shavings get stuck to their feet, and their feet are all matted with poop. is there is a way to clean their feet or stop their feet from...
  4. Lilliecs314

    Dirty pen!

    Hello! I have 2 ducks and they are semi-free range. I have a large fenced in area with their coop inside. Any ideas on how to keep the ground in the pen clean/dry and smelling nice? It’s very muddy, lots of poop and stinky. I put them in their coop at night and the food and water stays outside...
  5. A little Daffy

    Surprise! Instant chicken mama.

    Oh boy. We closed on some property Saturday with a house on about 3 acres. We have no intention of living there, (house is in complete ruins), it was purchased to eliminate possible building next to some other property. Anyway, much to our surprise, they left all their chickens! They look...
  6. SavvySilkieMom

    Poop on feet! :( What will help?

    Hello there :) I am a mother of 2 Emotional support House Silkies. They are 1 month and the other is 1 month & 2 weeks old. I have them on Newspaper right now and ofcourse as chickens do they poop and step in it a lot. I love holding them but I have to shower right after everytime. :confused: I...
  7. WallyBirdie

    Dirty Pullet

    One of my birds managed to get herself notably dirty. It's nothing bad or obstructive; I've bathed her a couple times. I know how to bathe chickens, and I know it shouldn't be done too often because they need their natural oils. Is there something I should do, or just let her be? I feel silly...
  8. Stephi2dope


    Credit for this goes to my Silkiez: if it wasnt for you apperently hosting Poopapalooza '19 in the coop last night and your lovley poopoo feather paint jobs smh i never seen soo much poo on a bird let alone multiple all at once SMH) (im very proud that this idea came into my life, wish i...
  9. D

    Dirty Egg

    Anyone know what causes this? The egg looks bloody and has clumps of tiny egg-like things stuck on it. My husband thinks its calcium depisits. You can see in the second picture it cleans up well. It seems to me that the blood would be from an irritated egg duct, but why is that and what do I do?
  10. Le Moth

    Do mature muscovy drakes always look this gross?

    This is David my Muscovy drake, he's a year old now. His feathers look disgusting, not smooth and soft like the girls and he stinks of preening oil. Is this the norm? Here's a Pic of him and the pen he lives in with his girls.
  11. Aliamelody

    Dirty ducklings! Praise to clean.Help!

    I went out of city yesterday I brang some vet food for them But when i came back... I didnt see any ducklings! I saw some walking dust! I put them in a water bowl thats bigger than before But they dont like to swim or cleaning I hust want to keep them and wash them with soap:lol: But i know i...
  12. Thechickentrainer1999

    Dirty vent. Please help!

    Over the last few weeks, I've noticed my chicken's comb turning purple. Some days it's not very noticeable and other days it is. Today it was very purple. What does this mean? I've noticed she has been drinking a lot when I let her out the last couple of days. I'm starting to wonder if maybe...
  13. S

    Yucky strange things we do for our flock

    I was cleaning out my waterer this morning , you know with my fingers going round and round trying to catch the poop .... and I thought who would have thought I’d end up here? What have you done as you tended to your flock that’s yucky or strange to others? Here’s another one ; While...
  14. Dawnclucks22

    How to best clean a dirty chicken?

    I have an EE hen who is currently in treatment for leg mites. Because of this, she has been dust bathing and preening a lot, and with now the dirt is piling up on her breast feathers like crazy! While I was soaking her legs in some warm water I attempted to dampen these feathers and see if I...
  15. J

    Are baby chicks too dirty to hold?

    We are getting 6 baby chicks (3 Buffs and 3 Barred Rocks) in a few weeks (FYI - never have had chickens before). We have the brooder all ready to go and think we will put it in the basement - due to smell and dust (or so I have heard). We would like them socialized though so I am a little...
  16. Lexi108

    Anything I can do to whiten my duck's feathers?

    So I have a pekin hen who lovessss getting dirty. Mud, she lays in it. Poop, she will play in it. She bathes every day but her underside is pretty much stained brown(It looks like she has sat in a heavy smoker's home for years and got nicotine stained haha) but I was just wondering if there was...
  17. BluBelle23

    Safe to eat?

    My Rouen (first laying poultry so far) started building 2 nests in our barn two weeks ago, and has layed eggs 6 out of 7 days this week! :D I have been so excited for this day- however she will not lay in the nests she built. I am buying fake eggs to try to coax her to lay in the nests, because...
  18. Ozarkhomesteader

    Goose not looking her best....

    So, i have two geese. One is a female embden mix named kizuna. The other is a chinese of unknown gender named xiao. They live in a large mixed coop with 4 ducks and 6 hens. Kizuna is large and always has her head in the clouds. She is clumsey and somewhat nippy, but backs off pretty fast. Her...
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