new at this

  1. Ankaa

    Is occasional wet spray(?) coming from pullet’s nose normal? (when shaking head, sneezing) during moult

    My EE pullet is in her second moult and I was just wondering if this was normal because of all the “chicken snow.” The wet sneezes and head shake spraying is on and off. It is clearly coming from her nose but only when she sneezes or shakes her head really fast. It’s not dripping out of her...
  2. D

    New to forum and new to birds! (Oklahoma)

    The Oklahoma City council passed a new ordinance allowing urban chicken and quail in city limits just this morning and I had to join this forum right away. Ever since learning that I was not legally able to keep backyard chicken or quail there was nothing I wanted more, and I'm so excited to...
  3. M

    Hello :)

    2020 was a year of adventure; I was volunteered to foster 4 beautiful chicks. Suburbian lady with zero experience. Many YouTube videos, books, message threads my 2 roosters and 2 golden hens became permanently mine. A few adoptions and losses later. I had my Roo and 4 hens. Gaius, Athena...
  4. N

    first hatch pls help!!! work in 1 hr and baby has a foot problem.

    ok so I had 2 eggs hatch earlier this past sunday the 31 and then yesterday the 1st i had the cutest baby come out but bam i noticed he has a huge amount of unabsorbed egg yolk and it was still attached to his shell. so in a massive freak out bc almost everything i read told me he’s gunna die i...
  5. S

    New to quail, need some questions answered

    I recently got my hands on 16 Japanese quail about 3 weeks or so ago i have them in a 7'x7' flight pen with a hide box.(Pictures below), is do have supplemental lighting in the form of some solar lights. sun rises here at south west Az at 7:45 am and i turn the lights off at 10:00 pm. My...
  6. Chiboo

    Hello Fellow Chicken Lovers!

    My name is Brenna, I live in St. Louis, MO and I have a husband, and two kids (Ava 12, Tobey 16) I'm quite intimidated to be surrounded by such experienced chicken owners, but I feel like all I do is google questions and I'd much rather hear directly from all of you than get my info from random...
  7. FionaRose

    About Me

    Hello! I’m Fiona, and I just made an account today. Thought I’d answer some of these questions for this site, and add some info about myself :) (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’d say yes, I am very new to chickens haha. My family first picked up 6 chicks at a...
  8. L


    Hi! My name is Sabrina and I'm fairly new to chickens. I purchased two 1 year old leghorn chickens less than a year ago and fell in love with them! They had quite the personality and were great pets that laid delicious eggs! Unfortunately, I woke up one morning last month to three dogs eating...
  9. T

    Hello from Nepal

    Hello everyone, I'm Tangyra from Nepal, I'm a small farmer living outside kathmandu. I have often been reading plenty of posts and have found your information extremely valuable. Thank you so much, you guys are an awesome community, and I've finally decided to sign up . I don't have to much...
  10. R

    Nuerological Problems

    My first forum! Hope I can get it posted. Lifetime chicken lover Ranch to backyard. First attempt at saving problem baby. It is one of 24 newbies. Very special, but maybe hopeless. Put some eggs under a lamp in garage due to a bad momma who finally managed not to crush 1 baby. Decided enough...
  11. GottaHatchAPlan

    My First Chicken Gets Her First Friend! How do I ensure it goes smoothly?

    It's finally happening. Our Peggy is finally well enough to get another hen to keep her company. We first bought our little 7-month old Australorp a little over a month ago. As it turns out, she was in pretty bad shape; she was stressed, lice-ridden and suffering coryza*, and that was just the...
  12. T

    setting up incubator

    hey everyone! new to the forum world of chickens and incubating so giving this a try. I have incubated chicken eggs in ur small Styrofoam incubators and have had great luck. last year me and brother bought a 6100 series Phoenix incubator and new to all the crazy controls it has and considering...
  13. NmhomesteadNC

    DIY Incubator

    Hello! I have an old entertainment center/cabinet I would like to repurpose into an incubator. I plan on using the heating element from my old Styrofoam bator and a pc fan for circulation. Basically, how would you all recommend I set this up?
  14. T

    setting up new incubator

    I have just purchased a phoenix 6100 and the owner didn't have a manual to go with it. ive figured most of the incubator out except the digital microprocessor system. im familiar with small incubators but this is first industrial size one and dunno how to set everything on the processor and what...
  15. Lady_Bat

    City Kid Escaped to a Farm

    Hi everyone! My name is Liz. Long story short, my husband & I moved out to the country about 2 years ago with the hope of starting a farm to table B & B where you could literally look out the window & say "I ate that guy's brother this morning". The property wasn't lived in for 10 years so...
  16. J

    Are baby chicks too dirty to hold?

    We are getting 6 baby chicks (3 Buffs and 3 Barred Rocks) in a few weeks (FYI - never have had chickens before). We have the brooder all ready to go and think we will put it in the basement - due to smell and dust (or so I have heard). We would like them socialized though so I am a little...
  17. JulieUnruly

    New Egg Here!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I don't have any chickens yet! I was hoping to buy some adults after building my coop this year, and raising some babies up so they'll be ready to lay next year! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Zero! (3) What breeds do...
  18. Jessezgirl96

    newbie ♥️⚠️

    hi everyone! I’m new here, my family and I live in the city. We just got our sweet chickie babies yesterday. Lots of questions and excitement for us!! We thank you in advance for all of the wonderful insight and resources you have to share with us. I am grateful for you and look forward to...
  19. Cinco de Bruni Farmily

    Good Morning! We’re new here! :)

    :frowHello! My family and I just “adopted” a friends 4 hens yesterday. They are approx 8 months old and I’m unsure of their breeds. Although, I plan to google that today. I would love beginner tips and advice to keep these girls happy and healthy. One of the hens was described as “broody” And...
  20. Funnwonderland

    It takes a village right?

    I just got my chicks on Thursday and as prepared as I thought I was I now know I wasn't nearly as ready as I thought and chicks are as scary as babies. I went to bed that first night sure rheyvwere going to be dead the bezt morning. I have questioned everything I thought I knew and reread...
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