new at raising chicks

  1. S

    New here, and “Hi!” from North Carolina!

    Hello there! I am a mom of 2 girls under 2y.o., and am planning on becoming a chicken mama, too. Hoping to get a flock of chicks in the next couple months. Any suggestions/advice for making this process easier? Any favorite chicken breeds for really young kids? Any specific advice to...
  2. Mommarunyon

    A word of advice for first time feather parents or anyone unfamiliar with feed!

    I am sharing my story of stupidity in hopes of preventing another senseless tragedy from occurring in another coop. Backround: Recently my small farm decided to start supporting small family owned companies over large box stores. In doing this we choose to purchase feed from a local feed store...
  3. woodlandd

    Hey all!

    Hello! I'm a first-timer, about a week into owning three lovely buff orpington chicks. I love how distinct each of their personalities are, and I'm looking forwards to seeing how they grow. I'd appreciate any extra tidbits of information about raising these little guys. I look forwards to...
  4. L

    Is there ANY chance Waffles is a girl?

    This is Waffles (Buff Orpington)... s/he is 6 weeks old and was purchased with a couple others from MyPetChicken as day old babies. They were all supposed to be female, but Waffles has been bigger and more developed from the JUMP. I'm a first-time chicken owner and sent pics to the website but...
  5. Beckaryu

    New to chick raising

    Hi! I’m new and needt help raising 8 baby chicks! I’ve already asked for help regarding a lump on one of my chicks necks - I’m so happy for this site!
  6. L

    I’m new!

    Hi! I’m Karrie, and I’m new here and to chicken raising. I live in NE Ohio with my hubby and our three children. We just got our baby chicks two days ago. I think they’re about 1.5 weeks old. We have two of each: Isa browns, Rhode Island Reds, Longhorn whites, and silver laced Wyandotte. So...
  7. K

    New member in Vermont with chick temperature question

    Hey there! I'm brand new to keeping chickens. I have 10 chicks on their way to me, arriving tomorrow. My husband and I want to start out with them in the garage. We have dogs in the house and would rather not deal with the drama of keeping them out of an area. Our house doesn't really have a...
  8. N

    Chicken bullying

    Hello- I have 9 laying hens about a year old.. docile different breeds. Today I noticed my favorolle head to be more bald and what looks like plucked. Also, her throat is losing feathers and looks to be plucked. Is this bullying.. or a disease? Please if someone knows what this is and how to...
  9. MissPeep

    New Chicken and Quail mom 👋🏻

    Hi there! I’m a new chicken chicken and quail mom living in southern Arizona. I’ve had chickens since January and this is my first time raising birds. Right now I have a total of 12 chicks in a variety of breand 4 quail. My current breeds are Production red, Easter Egger, Sapphire, Buff Silkie...
  10. psycache

    Advice on breeds please. Raising chicks for the first time in Utah!

    EDITED based on a summary of advices so far, so hard to narrow down (aim for 6 pullets, and 4 hens eventually): 1x Speckled Sussex 1x Delaware 1x Mottled Java 1x Barred Rock 1x Silver Lakenvelder 1x Black Australorp 1x Blue Copper Maran 1x Dominque So I have taken care of chickens before, both...
  11. Desert Gramma

    Chicken newbie here

    Hi all, Im new to raising chickens and I have a lot to learn. 3 weeks ago I bought 3 Speckled Sussex baby girls. They’re doing well, eating a lot and growing like weeds. I will pick up my 2 Rhode Island Red baby girls, and I’m looking forward to my 3 Silver Laced Polish baby girls that will...
  12. Aaron nassery

    Soooo..... this forum is absolutely amazing!!

    I am very new to the hatching game and I have been struggling for a little while trying to get something to start the embryonic process but I haven’t had luck. I found this forum and read as much as I can and now I finally got my quail, chicken, and pigeon eggs to finally start embryo process...
  13. What I learned today

    What I learned today

    Today I learned chickens love spa treatments. Recently I moved to an Asian country and I quickly got chickens are very useful animals —of course because you can eat them and eat their eggs as well but also because they keep your yard clean of bugs, mice and snakes if they are small. So I got a...
  14. P

    MycoPlasma Meets Sour Crop Meets New Chicken Mama HELP

    I have a long story but RIGHT NOW I have a very sick chicken battling what I think to be SOUR CROP please help I will keep it to the pertinent details. 1. i got a flock of 10 “laying” 6 month old birds from a guy off Craigslist, bad idea, now I know...this man was not a bird man. He culled...
  15. ajsflock

    Struggling baby chick

    Cinnamon, one of my speckled sussex babies, seemed odd when we brought her home. The other three chicks would be running around, but Cinnamon just flopped over to sleep. At first we just joked about her being lazy, but after a couple days I realized something was wrong with her. I checked and...
  16. egreynolds

    Help Me 😩😩

    I came home from work to find a few chicks peaking out from under one of my hens. I look down and i see two chicks had been dropped out of the nesting box hatched & struggling. i picked them up got all of the ants off of them and immediately took them inside & placed them under a heat lap. I...
  17. C

    Upstate ny adk

    hello! I am vary excited to finally have chicken's of my own. I am new to owning them myself even though I have been around them before with friends growing up. I have 6 isa browns, 2 orphington,2 Barhams and I can't remember the other breed lol but I have 6 of them. I also have 6 ducks,1...
  18. F

    Need help sexing 5 week old chicken

    I bough six chicks from Tractor Supply labeled as “Asia Blacks” almost 5 weeks ago. However after doing some research I believe I ended up with four Barred Rocks and two Black Sexlinks. I’ve became quickly attached to this bird and need help determining the sex! This is my first time owning...
  19. deanna_bradley

    Adventure with Buff Brahma's

    So I am new to this site, as well as to raising chickens. Ive raised most other livestock, (hogs, rabbits, sheep, goats, list goes on) but chickens are definitely new to me. We were given 8 Buff Brahma Pullets, not sure the age still you. We were hoping to raise these chicks to eventually get a...
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