
  1. R

    Keeping Faverolles (and other bearded/feathered-food breeds) clean

    I have one Salmon Faverolles hen. She's the only chicken I've had with a beard and feathered feet, and it just seems like she's always uncomfortable and dirty compared to my other chickens. Her beard and feet are always encrusted with dirt, and I'm constantly having to clean her bottom. I...
  2. Chris_HV_NY

    Cleanliness of coop, water, feed - me vs neighbor

    I have a debate going on with a neighbor who also has chickens. I am stringent about cleanliness and she makes fun of me for being too fussy. Maybe I am or maybe she is being foolish. In her coop the chickens roost in the rafters above her nesting boxes, her water supply, and feed supply. She...
  3. WallyBirdie

    Dirty Pullet

    One of my birds managed to get herself notably dirty. It's nothing bad or obstructive; I've bathed her a couple times. I know how to bathe chickens, and I know it shouldn't be done too often because they need their natural oils. Is there something I should do, or just let her be? I feel silly...
  4. W

    Can a germaphobe raise backyard chickens?

    I've always wanted to raise backyard chickens (I'd like to keep 4 or 5 layers), but as someone with an aversion to vomiting, the thought of salmonella scares me a little. Google backyard chickens and you'll get a bunch of articles on how backyard chickens got a bunch of families sick over the...
  5. J

    Are baby chicks too dirty to hold?

    We are getting 6 baby chicks (3 Buffs and 3 Barred Rocks) in a few weeks (FYI - never have had chickens before). We have the brooder all ready to go and think we will put it in the basement - due to smell and dust (or so I have heard). We would like them socialized though so I am a little...
  6. Lazy Farmer

    Too clean equals bad? fact or fiction?

    A couple days ago DH & I visited a neighboring farm / friends of ours. The conversation came up about cleanliness of chicken houses, runs Etc. Our friends are arguing the point that just like in humans there are good germs and bad germs. Some germs and bacteria you need, to boost and build your...
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