Recent content by Mamma Duck

  1. Mamma Duck

    Review by '' on item 'Cayuga'

    I have a Cayuga duck named Sue. I got her when she was a day old, and now she is a little over 2 months old. I have her as a house duck, along with a Pekin duck. She is very friendly once you gain her trust. She also follows me wherever I go, comes when ever I yell her name, and stops whatever...
  2. Mamma Duck

    My month old perkin ducklings can't walk?

    Hello. Tweety, my perkin, suddenly cant walk. She was always the strongest and largest ducklings I have. She still is, but this morning I went down to the brooder and she couldnt walk. She seemed like she had lost her equilibrium. I rushed her to the vet and he said that it could be her diet or...
  3. Mamma Duck

    How cold is too cold for month old ducklings?

    I have three month old ducklings. I live in Illinois so it has been super cold the past few weeks. But this week is going to warm up! I want to take my three ducklings outside to play, but I am not sure how much cold they can handle. Today is going to be 48 degrees out. Do you think that they...
  4. Mamma Duck

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    You can have them in Hampshire! Its in Kane county, and kane county has no ordinances on ducks or chickens (I have ducks)!!
  5. Mamma Duck


    Hello! One of my ducklings has a similar problem. She got really sick, and wasnt eating, so I brought her to a vet. The first thing that the vet had asked me (while he was examining her in his hands) was how she walked. I told him almost exactly what you said. And I added that she doesn't walk...
  6. Mamma Duck


    Im in illinois!
  7. Mamma Duck

    Post your Duck names!

    The name's of my ducks are: Sue (after sue the t rex) Daffy (after daffy the duck in loony tunes) Tweety (after tweety in loony tune)
  8. Mamma Duck

    Show off your house ducks!

    I already posted my ducklings Sue and Daffy, but the little yellow perkin is the newest member to our loving family! Meet tweety!
  9. Mamma Duck

    Do ducks like to imitate one another?

    So, I have two Cayuga ducklings. One of them (Daffy) always had a problem with walking. My other duckling (Sue) is perfectly healthy and eats good and is twice the size of Daffy. Recently I thought Daffy was really sick. I took Daffy to a vet, and after the her examination he told me that she...
  10. Mamma Duck

    Show off your house ducks!

    My sue and daffy!!
  11. Mamma Duck

    newspaper as chick bedding?

    Newspaper isn't good for chicks because it's slippery. I use softwood bedding from petco! It's under $5 and a LOT comes in the bag. My ducklings love it and it is pretty absorbent but, I still put paper towels under it. And when it's time to clean all I have to do is find a end to one of the...
  12. Mamma Duck

    What is spraddle leg?

    SprAdele leg is when the chick or ducklings leg spreads out under them. One of my ducklings had a really hard time with it, and the vet said it could be cause by slippery surfaces that they were on when they hatch. My ducklings legs would get bad whenever she got out of the water. For some...
  13. Mamma Duck

    Ideas for items to raise baby chicks in.

    Hello! I keep my two ducklings in two small cages put together. They are very happy with it. Instead of a warm side and cool side of the brooder, we have a warm and cool cage! Perhaps you can do something like that? But with larger cages
  14. Mamma Duck

    My week old ducklings are becoming less active?

    Hi guys! I'm new to BYC, but I have been reading all your forums for the past couple of weeks. Anyway, I have two cayuga ducklings that i ordered from a place called cackle hatchery. They are 9 days old now, and I notice them becomeing less active. One of the little ducklings has always had a...
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