What is spraddle leg?


5 Years
Jan 14, 2015
Bakersfield ca
I have searched for this in this site so sorry if it's there and I can't find it. I have come across this term when trying to find out what's wrong with my new four day old chick.
Spraddle leg, also known as splayed legs, is when there is an issue with the hip joint which means that one or both legs slip out from under the chick sideways. This can be improved if the chick's legs are taped together to place them in the correct position. If doing this, it needs to be done early on. The tape must be some form of medical tape because it is important that it does not remove the scales from the legs when it is replaced every 1-2 days. The tape is placed around the shank (equivalent to the area between your ankle and knee).

Another problem which looks similar but will not be fixed in this manner is a slipped tendon on the hock (equivalent to your knee). Slipped tendons can apparently be corrected by physiotherapy in young birds or surgery.
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SprAdele leg is when the chick or ducklings leg spreads out under them. One of my ducklings had a really hard time with it, and the vet said it could be cause by slippery surfaces that they were on when they hatch. My ducklings legs would get bad whenever she got out of the water. For some reason she would get better after she was completely dried off. To dry her off quickly I blew dry her with a blow dryer and low. She is getting better, but she still waddles around very differently than my healthy duckling. The vet said that you can put a band aid between their legs, and mashed up bananas help.

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