My month old perkin ducklings can't walk?

Mamma Duck

In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2015
Hello. Tweety, my perkin, suddenly cant walk. She was always the strongest and largest ducklings I have. She still is, but this morning I went down to the brooder and she couldnt walk. She seemed like she had lost her equilibrium. I rushed her to the vet and he said that it could be her diet or lack of niacin. All of my ducklings always have food and water available to them and I do add some niacin to their water. But I also feed them about a jar of baby food a day between the three of them. He told me to just feed them the duck food, so I am doibg that now. When we brought her back she still couldnt get her balance. She would fall over on her back and kick her legs around and she couldnt get up. I had to leave he for two hours and I came back and she had a sore on each leg from kicking and scraping it against her boxes. She is in a smaller box right now that padded down with two towels. She also cant eat without someone holding a bowl up to her. Is there anything I could do for her? Im really desperate and I love all my ducklings. Any advice or stories anyone has will help

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