Why do people use incubators...

Because I didn't start with hens... I started with eggs... I still haven't had a broody. My bantams just started to lay and I've had 1 EE egg so far.

2nd not all chickens or poultry go broody. After spending a month watching my button quail make a nest and collect eggs only to abandon it 2 days later I incubated the eggs myself. Some people may not want to keep a random chicken breed around just to sit their eggs.
that is a funny question coming from somebody who ordered 50 chicks..

ref: first post
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Cause it's fun and exciting to hatch. Watching the little boogers come out of the shell is a joy in it's self. Plus you don't have to wait for a broody hen to hatch some.
Now that's a foolish question. I guess I use an incubator because my girls wont go broody, and I'm to heavy to hover over them for 1 minute, let alone keep my body temp up for 21 days.
Seriously, it would be nice to have the luxury of a broodie hen, but no matter how much I talked to the girls, they still will not cooperate.

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