Incubator warm up


Aug 14, 2022
I have a lot of questions lol, I like to learn. Another thing I was thinking about was this warm up everybody does with their incubator. So you let it sit there warm up get your humidity and temperature just perfect then you open it up mess all that up put dry room temperature eggs in there and it's got to take time getting back to where it was. Why can you not just put them in there to begin with? Why does it matter if they go from room temperature to 99.5 with the incubator?
I have a lot of questions lol, I like to learn. Another thing I was thinking about was this warm up everybody does with their incubator. So you let it sit there warm up get your humidity and temperature just perfect then you open it up mess all that up put dry room temperature eggs in there and it's got to take time getting back to where it was. Why can you not just put them in there to begin with? Why does it matter if they go from room temperature to 99.5 with the incubator?
a surprising amount of incubators have broken or malfunctioning thermometers, and I ran mine to make sure the humidity monitor that I had to purchase separately was in good condition.
a surprising amount of incubators have broken or malfunctioning thermometers, and I ran mine to make sure the humidity monitor that I had to purchase separately was in good condition.
Okay, that makes sense. So it's more about checking the incubator. Scientifically I was thinking why would this make a difference to the egg? Lol
We let it warm up got a day or so to make sure it's functioning properly. It's not like preheating an oven. Most incubators only take a few minutes to get back up to temperature and humidity do it's not an issue.
Since all of the other requirements are the eggs requirements I guess I was stuck on that ha ha
So essentially once you know it's working okay you can take your time placing your eggs and all. I guess I've heard enough people talk about loading it like messing that temperature or humidity up when placing them was a big deal and I always hated rushing through that part. And I always wondered why I had to!
So essentially once you know it's working okay you can take your time placing your eggs and all. I guess I've heard enough people talk about loading it like messing that temperature or humidity up when placing them was a big deal and I always hated rushing through that part. And I always wondered why I had to!
Now,you don't want to set cold eggs in in the incubator but other than that it doesn't matter.
I've done a handful of hatches now and you only read that part (placing them) the first time. So every time while it's warming up I'm arranging my eggs exactly how I want them next to the bator and then I have to get my husband involved to do the lid so when he lifts it I have to hurry up and get them in there exactly the way I want it and close the lid. Well he was busy and I had to argue with him to get him to help me NOW last night (I like to start them at a certain time of night so they typically begin hatching at a certain time the morning of hatchday) and I'm thinking why am I doing this in such a hurry and needing his help like my room temperature eggs are going to lose their heat in room temperature!? 🤣
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