Calling All Horse Lovers!!

Oh, this thread is making me want to ride so badly! :hit There are no lesson places around here that are good, which is funny, because this is horse country. I guess everyone already knows how to ride. I volunteer at a horse rescue when I have time, but none of the horses are really rideable. There are some adorable foals, though, and one soon to be born!
A couple pictures of foals:
Oh I'm so sorry that you aren't able to get riding lessons! :( I'm lucky enough to have multiple places around me to choose from, although some do get pretty expensive.
The place I used to take lessons from before we moved cost $50 a lesson. That place was amazing, though, and the teacher was one of the nicest ladies I've ever met.
Have you considered buying your own horse? :D
Only a dozen times a day! :p I don't have enough time, sadly. I'll be going off to college soon, and then my mom will be stuck taking care of it. Also, there are so many things that can go wrong! I also can't ride that well, just walk and trot and maybe a bit of cantering, if the horse is gentle.

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