~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

Ok, no puffy cheeks or beards. The oddball baby definitely came from the bigger egg because it's twice the size of the other chicks. There are 3 little dark pullet eggs left & 1 big speckled egg, but way darker than the eggs oddball came from. No pips in those 4 yet, but they weren't even due until this evening.

yep lol, that's from princess. We called the one chunky monkey for a while because he was so much bigger than the others. Over time, he became big bird lol. He's still bigger than all the others at 9 weeks old lol. I think both big speckled eggs are from princess. Her color sprayer was probably not working right that day. She's the only one that lays a big speckled egg they're just usually dark. Hoping you get more :)
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Day 23, 24 healthy chicks with 1 tired chick who hatched 8 hours ago and 1 more who is being pokey with zipping. She may need some help and then the 2 of them in their own brooder so they dont get run over by the others. Overall a good hatch. Out of 24 purchased blue/green eggs, 2 clear and 5 didnt hatch.
I still have one lone CL chick under the broody and one egg that has pipped a day or 2 ago, progressed a small bit but hasn't started zipping last I looked earlier today. Im trying not to interfere and let mama do her job. She had the egg tucked up under her breast feathers with the pip hole facing upward Im not sure if she was just cooing encouraging sounds at it or if she was actually helping the chick along with the chipping of the egg, I couldn't tell.

Has anyone ever noticed if broodies will help gently chip away the egg from the pip hole. Just a thought.
I have my first pip! I've never hatched turkeys before so I've been a nervous wreck with this hatch. Especially with my temp issues. Do excited to see some progress :) They're not even due until tomorrow evening!
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I have around 20 chicks in my brooder! Mostly Silkie/Sizzles with some RIRs and an OEGB mixed in. I still have eggs working in the incubator. A lot of eggs, which worries me a little since they're now a day late.

I'm jealous of you all that have poults hatching! My turkey eggs aren't due until the 10th. I've never hatched turkey eggs in my incubator before, I've always let the hens take care of their eggs, so I'm not sure what to expect. My turkey hen is broody right now, I'm considering giving them back to her and letting her finish them up and raise them. Right now she's sitting on some Silkie eggs :p

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