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  1. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    I understand. More suburban areas have more coons. We have fox and coyotes, weasels and mink, bobcats in the area, bear and cougars aren't far away but rare. While keeping chickens, I'm encouraged to see 'coon and 'possum road kill. We had a great horned owl hunting midday last summer. We set...
  2. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    ...Diagnostic Laboratory University of Missouri 810 E. Campus Loop Columbia, Missouri 65211-0001 Phone: 573-882-6811 IAV-A, CSF, ND, FMD, PRV, IAV-S* 30 Missouri Missouri Department of Agriculture Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 701 North Miller Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65802-6460 Phone...
  3. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    A good friend lives in Santa Barbara and he's been keeping me apprised. I've been following the dam saga.
  4. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

  5. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    The rain has been relentless here. I haven't been able to keep track but 2 days ago I dumped the rain gauge that overflowed at 5". Yesterday I dumped it at 3" and today it was overflowing again at 5".
  6. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    You're a spring chicken compared to me. I remember Howdy Doody Time and my favorite first cartoon was Tom Terrific and his wonder dog Mighty Manfred. That one was on Captain Kangaroo. I believe it was '56 and '57.
  7. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    Super Bowl 2017 A buddy of mine has two tickets for the 2017 Super bowl. Box seats plus airfares, accommodation etc., but he didn't realize when he bought them that this is going to be on the same day as his wedding - so he can't go. If you're interested and want to go instead of him, it's...
  8. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    We had very few deer when I was growing up and a short deer season. We have lots of deer now thanks to the Dept. of Conservation. Turkeys too.
  9. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    When I was growing up on a farm in Madison county near the St. Francois river. Very remote and rustic. I saw bears and cougars - not often but they were there. Lots of bear tracks at the back of the property in washes. That whole time, it was declared both species had long disappeared from the...
  10. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    IMO squirrels and raccoons don't do that. Nor do I think the elk could have traveled that far. If so, they're more likely from Iowa or MN. There are a lot more elk in Arkansas...
  11. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    Not sure what you have available there but there are 2 products I've found helpful.!farm360 reduces flies using bacteria to break down wastes. Their facebook page.
  12. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    We were at zero about a week or so ago. I was in the bathroom yesterday and was bitten 3 times by a mosquito. Where did she come from?
  13. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    Dogs are a problem here. Coyote, fox, raccoon, opossum, mink, are also issues. I think I'm close enough to the city that bears and cougars aren't an issue - yet. But there are plenty in MO. I haven't had a bobcat or wolverine problem but they're here too.
  14. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    No tattoos ever here either. I just don't understand why someone would have one. That was how the weatherman opened the story on the deep freeze moving south. He said Maine would be colder than everywhere in Siberia too. We were 13 this morning and it isn't getting over 24 today. This weekend...
  15. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    My dad's hands were thick. My mom called his fingers sausages. They looked like a package of bratwurst. Strange that he could type pretty well. Oh Oh!
  16. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    That's better than Alaska. Their 2 seasons are winter and the 4th of July And getting fickler all the time. Climate change is a bear.
  17. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    You're such a diva. You probably feel old compared to when you joined. The kind that increases profits by deceit.
  18. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    We had our first hard freeze overnight (high 20s). Just 2 days after a record 83F. Incredibly windy here too (not as bad as your neck of the woods) but today is our first calm day. Probably another freeze tonight and then mild next week.
  19. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    The problems with pullet eggs are many. Size being primary with a finite amount of space and nutrition. Hatchability is lessened for various reasons. The only advantage is that albumen in pullet eggs is of higher quality. I've been doing that too. I...
  20. ChickenCanoe

    The Old Folks Home

    I don't think I've ever had a Pene pullet egg go under 43 grams. I was thinking about shell thickness but since they're so big already, the shells shouldn't be too thick. I think I'm going to seal them in plastic for a bit, chill them and wait another week to see if I have enough to fire up the...
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