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I just got a phone call from my mother.

A really awkward conversation. I mean, what do you say when the conversation starts with, "I'm afraid I have some rather unpleasant news. I had a mastectomy yesterday."

What do you say? She's a 20-odd year cancer survivor, so we're not totally unfamiliar with this road. But obviously, she's been taking a part of the journey without me. I know, I know, she's my mother, and she's been trying to protect me. But at the moment, I'm feeling almost as stunned by the fact that I saw her over Christmas and she didn't let on, as by the news that the fight we had thought was done and won has gone into round 2.

Pray for her, won't you?
Prayers being said here for her, and for you.
I just got a phone call from my mother.

A really awkward conversation. I mean, what do you say when the conversation starts with, "I'm afraid I have some rather unpleasant news. I had a mastectomy yesterday." 




What do you say? She's a 20-odd year cancer survivor, so we're not totally unfamiliar with this road. But obviously, she's been taking a part of the journey without me. I know, I know, she's my mother, and she's been trying to protect me. But at the moment, I'm feeling almost as stunned by the fact that I saw her over Christmas and she didn't let on, as by the news that the fight we had thought was done and won has gone into round 2.

Pray for her, won't you? 

Prayers from my neck of the woods too. :hugs

I lost my mother a few years back, but she survived breast cancer for 11 years! She told me and my sisters right away, but she didn't tell her best friends until many years later.

You have a great attitude toward it even though I can imagine it was a shock.  I had a breast cancer scare two summers ago and I shared more with my friends here than I did with my own daughter or my sons.  It wasn't that I didn't want them to be upset, it was because I wanted to know what I was dealing with before I shared.  I didn't want anyone asking me if there was news, or giving me pitiful looks.  I didn't want a steady stream of "praying for you" and pained looks.  I also knew that if I was to keep it together, I would have to have a reason to fight the panic.  It worked, and by the time I had surgery, the prognosis couldn't have been better.  The whole ordeal would have been much more painful and emotionally draining if everyone had known and all for naught.  Now, if the prognosis had been bad, I would have told them after I had a while to process it and to make a plan for how to proceed.  These things are extremely personal and I am not one to let others influence, much less MAKE decisions for me.

I will keep her, you, and the rest of your family in my prayers.  Hopefully, her outcome will be as good as mine.

So glad things turned out well for you. The insight is enlightening, because we never really know what we would do, until presented with a situation.
yep to all of it @Bunnylady first of all
to your mom.

I would be similar to Wisher in my own response. The opposite of my Mom. Mom played it up to EVERYONE....
I was worn out before she had her lumpectomy... I had to focus on something else to keep me from drowning in worry. So I rewrote my book by hand. She came through the surgery fine as well as the radiation...

I also have to agree I was married to a merchant marine when I was diagnosed
I had my step Daughter with Lori was there with me only 5 but understood when they said
you may not make it, I am checking you in to the hospital we will operate in the morning
I went to called his x Lori said no I want to stay this 5 year old saw me through it all as a new month came on the
husband came home then he knew..... To this day it is the 5 year old that got me through
her prayers to God for me...
Thank you so much, y'all. It means a lot to me, it really does.

Mom was in her 60's the first time she was diagnosed. The year before, she had cared for her own 80-something mother after she had had a radical mastectomy, and had vivid memories fresh in her mind. With Mom, the chosen course of action was a lumpectomy and radiation. At first, she was a little self-conscious about the two tiny blue dots that they tattooed on her breastbone to help them stay on target with each session, and she could have had them removed once the treatment was over, but by that time, she decided they weren't that big a deal . . . . battle scars, and all that.

She has faced this dragon before, and knows it can be defeated. She knows the battle is different this time (for one thing, certain treatment options are no longer on the table) but it doesn't loom as large in her head as it once did. She can say, "next year we'll . . . ." with the casual confidence of someone who expects to be around to see those plans through. She isn't thrilled with the prospect of chemo and all that that entails, but at this point, she more or less just wants to get on with it. It sounds to me like she's in a pretty good place in her head on this. I live almost 2 hours away, so realistically, I am in the position of having to do most of my caring and supporting long-distance - which means a lot of praying.
I just got a phone call from my mother.

A really awkward conversation. I mean, what do you say when the conversation starts with, "I'm afraid I have some rather unpleasant news. I had a mastectomy yesterday."




What do you say? She's a 20-odd year cancer survivor, so we're not totally unfamiliar with this road. But obviously, she's been taking a part of the journey without me. I know, I know, she's my mother, and she's been trying to protect me. But at the moment, I'm feeling almost as stunned by the fact that I saw her over Christmas and she didn't let on, as by the news that the fight we had thought was done and won has gone into round 2.

Pray for her, won't you?

Oh Bunnylady I'm praying for your mother and and all of you. Blessings to you all!
Getaclue! You need to let us all know so we can add you to our prayer list! That being said, I sincerely hope you are feeling better.

Everybody with family problems I'm so grateful for you sharing with us. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world with a family tree with more than its fair share of nuts in it. No insult intended but what is that old saying? You can pick your friends, you can even choose your enemies, but you are stuck with your family. I told that to somebody once and they said, yes, but a lot of times it's hard to tell who the friends and enemies are.

Cancer is a scary thing to happen whether it's to you or a beloved family member. There are always more than just one victim.

Bless you all. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Super Bowl 2017

A buddy of mine has two tickets for the 2017 Super bowl. Box seats plus airfares, accommodation etc., but he didn't realize when he bought them that this is going to be on the same day as his wedding
- so he can't go.

If you're interested and want to go instead of him, it's at St. Peter's Church, on 23rd street in Nashville TN, at 3 pm. Her name's Louise. She's 5'4", about 125 lbs., nice chest, great legs, good cook, makes $130,000 a year!

PS -- She will be the one in the white dress.

I changed a few words.

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