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I think if I were up there, I would just threaten to put the kid outside.... How long would it last really?

But then again, it's 30 degrees this morning with 22 hour wind and I am quite possibly going to freeze to death on the way to my car... hopefully it isn't frozen shut... it was thunderstorming sometime last night...
Not what I meant to quote... but I have sausage fingers and toes, for the official BYC record. No tattoos, never, ever. Both my ears are pierced multiple times, but overgrown and likely couldn't force an earring through them even if I had to clean up for court.

The coldest weather on the planet on Thursday? Thanks for the chuckle but I just did a doublecheck and we're going to be 19 as a high that day, so at least it's double digits. The low will only be -3. That doesn't seem too bad. That's still t-shirt weather.

My homemade suet is ready to skim and make, I'll be getting to that right after dinner. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
No tattoos ever here either. I just don't understand why someone would have one.

That was how the weatherman opened the story on the deep freeze moving south. He said Maine would be colder than everywhere in Siberia too.
We were 13 this morning and it isn't getting over 24 today.
This weekend will be tough. 50F during the day and dropping to 5 overnight. 3F Sunday night.

Wolves and coyotes give me the willies.

As a young kid I would listen to them howl at night and be scared that they were going to bust into the house and eat me.
not sure why I thought that.
Little red riding hood? 3 little pigs?
only predators that actually frighten me are feral Dogs.

Though the biggest predator we have are Mountain lions and People. people scare me more... (in thier potential)

Horse can defend her self on all counts... Seen her barefoot size nines take a circular chunk out of plywood. and send it twenty feet.

Bears I think would send a chill up my spine... But If I knew they were in the neighborhood I would take up precautions.

only predators that actually frighten me are feral Dogs.

Though the biggest predator we have are Mountain lions and People. people scare me more... (in thier potential)

Horse can defend her self on all counts... Seen her barefoot size nines take a circular chunk out of plywood. and send it twenty feet.

Bears I think would send a chill up my spine... But If I knew they were in the neighborhood I would take up precautions.


Dogs are a problem here. Coyote, fox, raccoon, opossum, mink, are also issues. I think I'm close enough to the city that bears and cougars aren't an issue - yet. But there are plenty in MO. I haven't had a bobcat or wolverine problem but they're here too.
I've heard that if your rabbit population is up, your coyote population will be also. Once they hunt down the rabbit population, the pack will relocate. I've been hearing LOT'S of yote howls the last two months so the rabbit population must be reflecting that. Around here they breed in February and it isn't unusual to hear them carrying on in the timber close to our farm. Way creepy.

I have fond memories of my App, Wickedchicken6. She was born in the mid 70s and was a yearling when I bought her. She was a big lap dog in personality and temprament. And like most Apps as stubborn as the day is long. I was forced to part with her due to a move and I miss her to this day.
Ahhhh...ok. That explains it.

I'm so sorry to hear that you had to part with yours. I think that's worse than parting with a loved animal because of death.

We actually sold her to people who were, to put it politely...slightly dishonest. They had been close neighbors and we'd helped them on numerous occasions. They sold my gelding for me and I found out they had not been 100% truthful of what we received in payment from them. They hadn't finished paying for her (and they were trying to sell her back to us??
) We arrived, got her and her foal loaded in our trailer and explained what we knew. We brought her home and she's been kicking around ever since. She was 18 at the time. I SO wanted to breed her but could never find a stud to my standards. She's a registered leopard with a full mane and We didn't have the heart to sell her so she has been enjoying an uneventful retirement for a very long

For those wondering, we didn't get our money back. My gelding found a very wonderful girl and home so I was very happy with that.
The man was murdered (I'm completely serious) and it hasn't been solved. This is in a rural community and the two closest towns have 40 people in the one and 500 in the other. People believe it was a hit of mistaken identity.

She's adorable. I also have 9 turkens hatched in my incubator and a bunch more hopefully will hatch today
Congratulations on the chicks! And congratulations on winning with your egg!!
Wickedchicken6, so glad you got your girl back. My Billie was sired by a leopard App. She was, looking at her from a distance, coal black but when you got up close you could see that she was peppered with white hairs. Somebody told me to shave a patch on her butt and I did. Sure enough, you could see mottling on her skin. I was glad that I could find her a good home. She went to a family with a young boy, 9 years old who was dying for want of a horse of his own. I heard when they unloaded her, he slapped a bridle on her, climbed on bare back and they went galloping off together. He was over joyed. The last I heard they had bred her to an Appaloosa stud and invited me to come see her when ever I wanted. I couldn't bear it. I made myself forget their names and to this day pray that she had a good, happy life. My husband recently asked me if I would like to have another horse. I told him no, I had a great horse that could never be matched and my back was too bad to do the work that a horse needs. Then I laughed and told him, besides, IF I could do the work, I'd get a mule......always wanted a mule, LOL. I can remember my dad telling me stories about the 'Jugheads' that he had to take care of when he was in the army prior to WW II. Always thought they were interesting animals.

I can't believe how some people can live with themselves. Seriously. I'm reminded of the story a city boy told about driving through a small town and stopping at a diner for breakfast. Sitting at the counter he heard two men reading newspapers and talking. 1st man said. "I read here that Joe Bob got himself shot last night. 2nd man said, 'Yep. Got caught with Big Jim's wife.' 1st man 'Did he die?' 2nd man 'Yep..' 1st man 'Well, that boy needed killin' anyway.'

Sometimes I truly believe that Karma just catches up with some folks.

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