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Huck, you talking about your old black and white set reminded me of something. Our first black, and white set took a long time to warm up, before you would get a picture. I remember when they first advertised "Instant On" as a the latest feature in black, and white television sets. When you turned them off, there was good sized white dot that took a minute to fade to black.
Welcome to the thread @Chicken Huck. All are welcome!

SGC your beautiful quilts never fail to amaze me. I like them all but that bottom quilt is just stunning.

This is going to be my next project that I tackle. I found it on a wholesale Chinese on line store called Banggood. Stuff is super cheap and we buy from there a lot. The only problem is that it takes about a month for anything to get to you. I think I paid something like 5.69 for it.

It's listed as a 'diamond painting' and supposedly you use rhinestones to bring out the colors. Looking at it though it appears to be laid out like a printed needlepoint. If I can do it in a needlepoint, I probably will. For some reason I've been unable to stick to any one quilting project over the winter months. I currently have three including a standard design block quilt that I am trying to get laid out using blocks cut from sweatshirts that we no longer wear.Must be that old age ADHD kicking in again. I sometimes think I am just one more time of standing in front of the open refrigerator trying to remember what I'm there for away from a bottle of Ritalin.

The first thing I can recall watching on TV was a Mighty Mouse cartoon. We were visiting Mom's cousin and her family had just purchased the new-fangled color TV, a huge tube in an even bigger wood cabinet. I'm pretty sure my age was 5 or less. From then on I wanted to watch cartoons. I recall Crusader Rabbit (with Rags the Tiger) and then Felix the Cat and Tom & Jerry. Then graduating to Rocky & Bullwinkle. I still crack up at the alma mater "Whatsa Matter U."
Not as old as some of you

I'd say the first TV I remember watching around 4yrs old was my parents would pick up these work books from the grocery store and it had to do with a show 'picture pages' I believe with Bill Cosby as part of the Captain Kangaroo show I think? Might have been Fat Albert show, or maybe it was in between the two shows.

I still occasionally watch the Tom and Jerry show, Looney Tunes, with the kids. They like the old Scooby Doo shows also.
Morning everyone.
SCG- your work is amazing as usual. I no longer have the patience for such long detailed projects and there's the thing about never having your artistic talent in the first place. My main problem, and a lifelong one, is that I honestly did have potential in many creative areas. Something would catch my interest and off I'd go determined to master whatever it was to only reach the point where I felt I'd mastered it, start getting bored, my eyes (or mind) would catch something else and "SQUIRREL!' Which I guess also explains my totally eclectic degrees and multiple career choices.

Looks like once again I'll not be getting any new birds after all. I'm going to have to just take the financial hit and cancel my chick order. My husband's brother has had several brain surgeries in recent years for brain tumors which he survived fairly well but caused other health related problems. Long story but short version is he has now developed what appears to be rapidly progressing dementia. The summer is certainly going to be filled with overnight or longer roadtrips south. The only person I have that could possibly take care of chicks for me has poultry herself. Which sounds good except that her idea of healthcare is burying the dead (or calling me and then still burying the dead) and practices all the biosecurity of a swamp. She really is sweet and I love her but she has her house pets which are very well cared for both physically and medically ---- and the outside animals, (she's down to chickens and ducks) which are well fed etc. but just let roam and if one gets eaten or sick, oh well.
Anyway, you get the picture.

I think I just may have not been supposed to have chickens again. I'm thinking I may just sell all my brooding supplies, of which I was already well stocked and picked up more. (I had just bought another brooder plate, new feeders and waterers because of the larger batch of chicks expected than before and ordered two bags of NatureSmart Organic chick starter ( a new line from Nutrena).

I'm just bummed.
Morning everyone.
SCG- your work is amazing as usual. I no longer have the patience for such long detailed projects and there's the thing about never having your artistic talent in the first place. My main problem, and a lifelong one, is that I honestly did have potential in many creative areas. Something would catch my interest and off I'd go determined to master whatever it was to only reach the point where I felt I'd mastered it, start getting bored, my eyes (or mind) would catch something else and "SQUIRREL!' Which I guess also explains my totally eclectic degrees and multiple career choices.

Looks like once again I'll not be getting any new birds after all. I'm going to have to just take the financial hit and cancel my chick order. My husband's brother has had several brain surgeries in recent years for brain tumors which he survived fairly well but caused other health related problems. Long story but short version is he has now developed what appears to be rapidly progressing dementia. The summer is certainly going to be filled with overnight or longer roadtrips south. The only person I have that could possibly take care of chicks for me has poultry herself. Which sounds good except that her idea of healthcare is burying the dead (or calling me and then still burying the dead) and practices all the biosecurity of a swamp. She really is sweet and I love her but she has her house pets which are very well cared for both physically and medically ---- and the outside animals, (she's down to chickens and ducks) which are well fed etc. but just let roam and if one gets eaten or sick, oh well.
Anyway, you get the picture.

I think I just may have not been supposed to have chickens again. I'm thinking I may just sell all my brooding supplies, of which I was already well stocked and picked up more. (I had just bought another brooder plate, new feeders and waterers because of the larger batch of chicks expected than before and ordered two bags of NatureSmart Organic chick starter ( a new line from Nutrena).

I'm just bummed.

I am so sorry to hear this! Health issues sneak up on us as we get older.

Auto watering systems and big feeders allow me to leave for a night or two.
Not as old as some of you

I'd say the first TV I remember watching around 4yrs old was my parents would pick up these work books from the grocery store and it had to do with a show 'picture pages' I believe with Bill Cosby as part of the Captain Kangaroo show I think? Might have been Fat Albert show, or maybe it was in between the two shows.

I still occasionally watch the Tom and Jerry show, Looney Tunes, with the kids. They like the old Scooby Doo shows also.

You're a spring chicken compared to me.

I remember Howdy Doody Time and my favorite first cartoon was Tom Terrific and his wonder dog Mighty Manfred. That one was on Captain Kangaroo. I believe it was '56 and '57.
The rain has been relentless here. I haven't been able to keep track but 2 days ago I dumped the rain gauge that overflowed at 5". Yesterday I dumped it at 3" and today it was overflowing again at 5".
We are finally getting sun in Woodland today.

I started culling the old hens today. First one was 7 years old and had an egg and forming eggs. Organs looked good too

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