What color are your Cornish Crosses legs?? McMurray failed! Rant...

I wouldnt be very happy about not have the rite birds.

will they send your money back??

Not thrilled with McMurray.
They will give us a credit on the birds, but no real apology...apparently we should have been able to tell they weren't Cornish X's right away.
This was our first time with them. So...besides OD'ing these leghorns on protein, they're all roos. What am I supposed to do with a dozen 7 week old leghorn roos?? They aren't even worth eating.

Next time we will order our meaties from Ideal. From what I've heard on here, their customer service beats McM's hands down! This was our first time to do mail order chicks. It was not a good experience. We ordered from McM because they were a major hatchery. How could they have confused Pearl Leghorns with Jumbo Cornish Crosses?? It's too late in the season to start anymore, now. This is so frustrating!

I feel like we have wasted so much time, effort, and money for nothing!

I'd be very careful about ordering from McM in the future. The only reason I will be is to use up the credit. This is ridiculous.

That would put us mid-December at the earliest for processing. We get ice storms then, and electricity outages. We want them on pasture rather than in the barn. More of a personal preference, really. We can't do it in the summer because of the heat. Spring and Fall is the best time here.

Stupid mix up to say the least but they are identical when day old. The only way to tell them apart is by the wing feathers when they first hatch.

Or to keep them seperate... they must have labled the bins wrong. Again easy to do... but still they should make it right.

Did they refund your order? That's about all they can do, I'm sure they aren't going to refund you for the feed bills.

It sucks but it happens. I too would be very upset.

Good luck... and try to not get too upset. I'm not sure what to tell you about the Leghorn roos.... they make lousy meat... no way around that one.

Get some from www.meyerhatchery.com they are really cheap right now and you can have them processed by the first week of December.

We are already having ice storms in October... I think PA just got slammed with a foot of snow... so you still have plenty of time to keep them on pasture if your out in OK. I have 200 still out on pasture and it's only 38 or so right now.
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