What color are your Cornish Crosses legs?? McMurray failed! Rant...

Yellow, but one did have pale, almost white, legs and feet...

Cornish Rocks
Is it possible that you could have just got a lot of runts???

I know this batch i got now came from MM and they are 7 weeks old. They range is weight form 7.5 lbs- 5 lbs they are all going to be butched this weekend

I ate one of the small one about week ago to see what it would taste like and it was the best chicken i have ever ate i think.

An entire batch of runts?? Ours are 7 weeks old today and not one is over 3 pounds. Also, we ordered all roos, and I am thinking over half of them are females.

We've sent the pics to the hatchery, waiting to hear back. Even if they send new ones, we're out all the cost of food, plus the time...this is really discouraging.

The hatchery said they should be a lot bigger with yellow legs.

Same one yours did.
We're waiting to hear back. I guess right now we're just trying to figure out if it's worth it to get a new batch.
I've invested a lot of time, effort, and money into these...now I don't know what they are or what to do with them!

We must have ordered the same time. Ours arrived on August 27th.

Ok...they said they were the pearl leghorns.
So, not only were we overloading them on protein, they were the wrong freaking birds! We're out all the food and time, and they say they will give us a credit for next year. Plus...we paid extra for roos, and there are some pullets in there!

Not sure what to do, now. Very frustrating!

Soup and chicken broth. But wait so see what sex they are. If you have pullets you can always sell them to someone who wants laying chickens. They are really good layers.

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