I don't know if that particular racoon is still healthy enough to learn free-diving.
Just found a burn mark in one of the tarps, covering the 10KV neon transformer wire mesh.
Something was asking for »enlightenment« last night. Too bad i was too lazy to bring the trail-cam back out yesterday.

So in other words the plan is reeducation!
Why don’t you get a gun and shoot the raccoons since you video tape them all the time?
Drowning is pretty piss poor imo. Shooting or a hard hit on the head with a heavy pipe, bat etc.. will put them down quickly.
Seems to me people drown animals because they can’t actually kill them themselves.
The one predator we have for sure is at least one cougar. The people who lived here before us had horses out in a paddock at night and a cougar attacked one. The horse flipped out obviously and ran into a barbed wire fence after it jumped out of the paddock. It was so injured that it had to be put down. I don't know if the cougar was killed or captured. Makes me shudder.
Why don’t you get a gun and shoot the raccoons since you video tape them all the time?
Drowning is pretty piss poor imo. Shooting or a hard hit on the head with a heavy pipe, bat etc.. will put them down quickly.
Seems to me people drown animals because they can’t actually kill them themselves.

I have to admit i think drowning is inhumane.
C64 - best computer i ever had! Mine had a ginormous 256 Kilobytes of memory - self built extension instead of the standard 64KB. I was working as a freelancer for a company that was selling hardware extensions and software. Never had so much fun (and stress!) with computers again.
i think i showed you this before
I will answer your question for him. He drowns them because of stupidity and lazyness but not on his part. He is a resident ( in other words Legal ) alien. Although he is able to under the law, no one will let him purchase a gun because either they are stupid or too lazy to look up federal and state laws.
Use a dp trap and smack em on the head with a pipe. Simple. Reset trap in 3 seconds without transporting a heavy raccoon in a cage to water. Dp traps work far better than a cage and are cheaper.

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