I fell off bareback once. I was on the shetland pony and she had never been cantered bareback before. And I had never cantered bareback either. She decided to hit the breaks when I got her to canter and I rolled over her shoulder, landing on my feet.

It’s really fun. I have cantered bareback since that fail and it was awesome. It was with another welsh pony named Lenny. Sweet boy
Riding bareback is my favorite! I used to gallop my horses through the hillsides and apparently scared my neighbors. The one time the neighbor lady came out screaming raising her hands because she thought my horse had bolted ( I was riding bareback with just a halter and lead rope galloping my gelding). Imagine her surprise when she realized that I was not screaming, but laughing lol Riding a horse bareback I find to be the most freeing feeling!
Riding bareback is my favorite! I used to gallop my horses through the hillsides and apparently scared my neighbors. The one time the neighbor lady came out screaming raising her hands because she thought my horse had bolted ( I was riding bareback with just a halter and lead rope galloping my gelding). Imagine her surprise when she realized that I was not screaming, but laughing lol Riding a horse bareback I find to be the most freeing feeling!
That sounds amazing!!! 🤩 do you find it hard to stay on? How to you get your horse to slow down?
That sounds amazing!!! 🤩 do you find it hard to stay on? How to you get your horse to slow down?
No, but I also started riding bareback from a young age. I slow them down similar to what you would do when riding in a saddle by using my seat. I just lean back and sit deeper. Now I personally will not hop on just any horse bareback with only a halter. I am a huge fan of spending quality time with your horse on the ground especially with liberty work, understanding each others body language and creating cues with pressure/release training paired with positive reinforcement and calm yet firm guidance. Then when I start training them to ride they know what most of my cues already are because we built up that understanding on the ground.
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No, but I also started riding bareback from a young age. I slow them down similar to what you would do when riding in a saddle by using my seat. I just lean back and sit deeper. Now I personally will not hop on just any horse bareback with only a halter. I am a huge fan of spending quality time with your horse on the ground especially with liberty work, understanding each others body language and creating cues with pressure/release training paired with positive reinforcement and calm yet firm guidance. Then when i am riding they know what most of my cues already are because we built up that understanding on the ground.
I've ridden bareback for a while as well, and completely agree with all that you just said. I use the same training techniques, less positive reinforcement for Max because he gets very treat anxious. I've ridden in just a halter since I got him, and it's gone fine. You need a strong bond, and a willing horse, otherwise you're off, and you have to be in the physical shape to do it. It works a lot of muscles to stay on at a fast pace. I've found that most of the time, horses like bareback too. They like that they have more control, but are choosing to stay with you. Groundwork and bonding time are key. It's a wonderful experience when done the right way.
I’ve cantered without stirrups once, and fell off. I’ve ridden bareback a handful of times, one of which I fell off. Another (notoriously anxious) horse bolted and ran into us and the pony I was riding freaked out, understandably. I’ve had 4 falls in as many years, but they weren’t evenly spaced out at all!
I’m leasing a mare for the summer! She is wonderful and I love her! I’ve only ever ridden lesson horses once a week so this is amazing!!!! I’ve been riding her for about a month now and I think we’re starting to bond! She’s getting to know me and I her it’s gonna be a fun summer!

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