
  1. Daniel Grey

    Horse groom prices

    Hello! I am offering a groom service to some people in my village. I am unsure of how much to price my services. Any ideas? (I am in the UK so sorry if conversion is innacurate) If you think in between two options please select both. EDIT: Fixing typo
  2. Fangeddeer


    I bought a foal/horse halter for my buck and it’s not working at all, he keeps getting out bc how big the muzzle is on him. If anyone is in the Bay Area californa and have a goat or cow calf halter that fits his measurements please do let me know! But if you’d be okay with shipping I could try...
  3. Margaretlumley01

    Fly problems with donkeys

    Does anyone have any suggestions for fly control? My donkey is a bit of a special case I fear 😂. He gets really badly attacked by flies in the summer. I’ve tried multiple different fly sprays, I use swat cream, and Vaseline on his legs where it gets especially bad (they are raw from him biting...
  4. ShrekDawg

    Now River Otter's Genetics 101

    I already have a general horse thread (that can be found here: but @OneHappyDuckie wanted me to start one specifically for genetics so here we are lol
  5. CaliFarmsAR

    Help please!!!! Can Club foot and a joint infection be treated?!?!??

    Hey y’all! I need some help/advance here. I just started working at an equestrian barn and they have a 5 year old horses and he has Club foot and got a joint infection from the vet (they didn’t do the injection right). Can this be treated? If so what is the best way to? And after he recovers...
  6. ShrekDawg


    I’m sure there’s probably other threads on this but I absolutely love horses so I would love to see yours! As a kid, I read every horse book possible, watched every horse movie, etc. and was generally completely obsessed lol I’m sure I’m not the only one 🤣 I also used to ride off and on as...
  7. Morning Star Farm

    RE Miniatures and Shetlands

    I know there are a few horse people on here, so I thought I would share some pictures of a few of my horses with y'all!
  8. ShrekDawg


    I didn’t see a thread on this so I thought I’d make one. I’ve always been fascinated by this sport and now I’m even more fascinated by it since watching A Knight’s Tale the other day hahah I’d seen it before but not in a while but yeah. I also went on vacation in June and went to a place called...
  9. corvid


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've been around chickens since as long as I can remember! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 10 chickens right now. (Planning to get more after winter) (3) What breeds do you have? 3 barred rocks, 4 black sex...
  10. TundraFang

    I'll draw your pets!

    Hey all, I'm out of drawing ideas and I've already drawn all my pets so I thought it would fun to draw yours! Upload a photo of any of your pets and I'll draw them! I'll be doing them first come first serve. You can Upload as many photos as you want but only one pet per post please. Try to use...
  11. AppyChick77

    Gordons Pasture Pro Plus weed and feed and chickens/guineas

    I need to deweed and fertilize my horse pastures, the pastures that my chickens and guineas free range in. In the past I have used Gordons Pasture Pro Plus with great success, but that was before I had my birds. The buttercups are going crazy here in TN. Does anyone know if this is safe for...
  12. ButtonHoarder

    Horse Lovers Thread

    Hi people I haven't seen all that many horse threads around lately so I decided to make one. Here I hope you will post stories, pictures, thoughts, questions, and absolutely anything equine related! Here is my Arab cross mare Moonlight: she's in her late 20s but acts like 4🤣 I will try to take...
  13. Bird_Lover_17

    Western Riding

    Hello! Yes, it's me again, here in the other pets & livestock section picking your brain on horses! If you click on this link, you will get to see my thread when I was thinking about horses. I have been watching a lot of youtube videos on Enlgish and Western riding. As a child, I remember...
  14. Bird_Lover_17

    Round Bale or Square Bale?

    Hello people who have animals that eat hay! So, I know technically this should be on Backyard Herds (BYH) , but I do know that there are people here that also have goats/horses/cows/etc. This is your typical round bale (the GIANT ones) and the tiny square bales. So, cast your votes and feel...
  15. Bird_Lover_17

    Horse Books

    Hi, I am looking into raising horses, and I know that it involves a lot of $ and time. I started a forum entitled, "I'm thinking about horses" please add to that if you can! Anyways, what horse books have you found helpful?
  16. Bird_Lover_17

    1 Horse Horse Barn- Horse Owners, please approve!

    Hi, I posted a thread called I'm thinking about horses. I have decided to get 1 horse- but not right now- in like 1-2 years! But, I need to start saving money for a barn now. A friend agreed to help me build it- I just need to figure out my design > which would help me figure out how much money...
  17. Bird_Lover_17

    I'm thinking about horses

    Hi everyone, now this is not a definite, but I was thinking that (in the future) I might get a horse. I love birds, but I wanted a horse to go horseback riding and to groom it, etc. When I was 10, I worked on a farm with horses, and ever since I was 11 I have owned goats and other poultry. I...
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