Heath Ledger found dead today.

NEW YORK (AP) — Tests on a rolled-up $20 bill found near Heath Ledger's bed detected no drug residue, the NYPD said Wednesday.

Discovery of the bill had raised the prospect that Ledger might have been snorting drugs, but the negative test diminished that possibility. A preliminary autopsy on Ledger's body Wednesday was inconclusive.

Authorities found six different types of prescription drugs in Ledger's apartment, including pills to treat insomnia and anxiety and an antihistamine, according to two law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing. Three of the drugs were prescribed in Europe.
I'm glad the $20 bill didn't have drug residue on it. I was really starting to think that he might have been a "junkie". I think he just had a deadly cocktail of prescription drugs that weren't supposed to be mixed. I'm sure the doctors in Europe didn't know what the doctors in America were prescribing him.
I loved Heath. They said he had a hard time with his latest role of the Joker in Batman. It was said Heath had a hard time sleeping at night because it was a dark role and very depressing. Don't know if that might be a cause either. Very sad. He was a good actor and seemed like a good guy. God bless.
Yes I loved him too.
I felt sorry for him when he was quoted as saying "my body wants to sleep but my mind keeps me awake" That is a really harsh way to try to sleep.
He was so dedicated to getting into character and he must have felt that these sleepers would help him to get sleep before the next morning's shoot.
I have taken a medication for my MS which disagreed with me and I OD'd on it as I didnt remember taking the previous pills, I could have died too had my mum not saved me.
I really feel it was an accidental overdose,
May peace be with his loved ones during this awfully sad timeXX
I did not mean to sound so abrupt in my previous post, but it is just so hard for me to wrap my head around someone that has everything and does not have to worry about money, and most everyday things, to do something this foolish, or not reach out for help of some kind...... I don't understand it.
Oh no you didnt sound abrupt,
Im keeping a very open mind on this, again I feel it was an accidental Overdose on sleepers etc.
We will have to wait for the toxology report i guess, and that will take 10 days I think.
I feel so badly for his family and especially his little girl, who arrived here in the States smiling, oblivious to what was going on around her. So sad for that little precious life.

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