Heath Ledger found dead today.

on another note, why are people always naked when they overdose or commit suicide?

did you know they already have britneys obituary written and ready? all they have to do is slap a date on it...

people are disgusting. look at what we have done to our popprincess.

errbody just needs to back off britney spears before somebody gets hurt!

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Wow! I'm staying outta that one!

Since Heath was suppose to have a massage, I'm going to speculate that he took his meds, accidentally overdosed and fell on the floor once he got out of the shower. Just a simple speculation though. Please don't read any further into it.
I think it must have been an accidental overdose. He had said in a recent interview that he had not been sleeping well, and that the prescription he was given was not working. This, unfortunately, happens often, particularly when prescription and non-prescription meds are mixed.
That's actually a very good theory. Either he passed out naked after getting out of the shower or he was sleeping naked and fell off the bed??? Who knows. We won't know anything until after the toxicology report comes back. Even then it probably won't be known if it was a suicide or accidental.

I feel for his family, especially his daughter. It's just a sad time.

I've never got to involved with celebrity deaths before but this one is very sad to me. He was a great actor and he will be missed.

I'll be seeing the new Batman movie when it comes out, it was the last film he finished before his death. I believe he was working on one at the time of his death that probably won't be finished now so Batman will be his last.

You had me in stitches. I know this is not what you meant (or was it?
) but, this was too darn funny! Fondue? I LOVE IT!

Hey, good thing you didn't have quiche too!


Sorry...simple mind/simple entertainment!
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When I got on Yahoo yesterday and saw it, I was in total shock. He was just way too young. I told my mom and she freaked. I loved him in The Knight's Tale, that is one of my favorite movies. Its just sad that his life was cut so short.

When it was first explained, I pictured him laying in bed, with pills tossed around him. Now that it said he was laying face down at the end of the bed, and there were no pills, It makes me think it was accidental. You would think that if he was trying to kill himself, he'd atleast situate himself better. It sounds like he either took to many pills, or he could have had a stroke or something. You just never know, but it definitely sounds like he just collapsed on the bed. Also, with the massage in order, it just doesnt make sense. Its really terrible though, and then I read they wont know the cause of death for another 10 days. This is a death that has shocked a lot of people. Like stated, everyone is expecting Britney and Lindsay to go young, but this one was a shocker.
Sleep deprivation can do strange and horrible things to a person. If he was having that much trouble sleeping, there is no telling what could have happened. A few years ago, my husband was seriously sleep deprived before he was finally diagnosed with thyroid disease. He was really messed up from it. He could have easily either taken too many pills in a desperate attempt to sleep or just forgotten what he had already taken just a few minutes earlier and taken it again.
Oh, wow, nude and surrounded by pills!?!!?! what news do you all watch anyway? On NPR this evening I heard:

Found in apartment; sleeping pills and antidepressents weer in bedroom and bathroom.

But they did also mention: rolled-up 20-dollar bill! Hmmmmmm.......
Thats another thing--

why does errbody always use a twenty to snort a line of coke? wouldnt a washington do just as well?

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