Heath Ledger found dead today.


Flew The Coop
12 Years
Apr 16, 2007

was a great actor.
Yes, he was... I am still upset at this totally unnecessary death. I just found out about it a few minutes ago. He was only 28 years old. A Knights Tale, The Patriot, and other movies of his were my favorites. There hasn't been one that he put out that I didn't like. I hate it... I hate that he did this. I don't understand and I never will.
He and his wife (the blond girl from Brokeback Mountain) split up a little while ago. He has a baby with her. The poor child.

He was only 28! They think it was drug related.
Can we say "Junkie" boys & girls.

Sorry, no pity here(except for the family).

Try having a young friend die in your arms from that s**t. You'll be jaded too.
I heard it on the radio and I thought they were full of ploop; then I heard it on the news...it's so sad... I'm old enough to remember Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, River Phoenix and Elvis...
Sucks for his family and his little girl to grow up without him. Some people are just to selfish.
Newest news is, his naked body was found in his bed with pills all around him.

Such a shame! Such a waste of life and talent!

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