Heath Ledger found dead today.

Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, River Phoenix and Elvis

Me too, Spotted! It's so sad. And unnecessary.
That is sad, and what is even sadder is that I thought he was one of the few his age that seemed to have it together. Guess you never really can tell with some people.
ditto, I hadn't heard any bad gossip of him and thought he wasn't partaking in that lifestyle. Some are better at hiding it than others. What a shame. He was one of my favorite actors.
You know what, these people ought to get a back yard full of chickens and learn what life is REALLY all about!!! Too much fame and money makes Jack a STUPID boy!!!
You know what, these people ought to get a back yard full of chickens and learn what life is REALLY all about!!! Too much fame and money makes Jack a STUPID boy!!!

He and Michelle Williams never married but they remained friends. The pills were sleeping pills not heroin or other "illegals". Doesn't make it any more right but I'm glad it wasn't Xtacy or stuff like that.
Ok I guess I am late to the news - I have my TV off most days and have not botherd to put on the radio - so I just saw the news when I got to my computer ( like just now )

OMG - I would have never guessed that his life could be that depressing or lonely to make him feel that ending it was the only thing left to him. I guess the old saying " money cant buy you happiness " is true.

I never watched Brokeback Mountain - but I did see alot of the other movies - I guess I will rent it, and let that be my "goodbye" to him.
such a shame for his little girl and family

I don't follow celebrities life what so ever but have always had an interest in Heath Ledger. Yes probably because of his good looks and his accent but he always seemed different to me in a very good way, plus doing brokeback mountain took guts. Makes me sad to know someone like that could be so lonely/unhappy to do something like that. Alittle Heather love could have gone a long way.. But nope... heath ledger did not visit maine to get his dose of Heather. I asked my fiance "Now how am I going to get married to him and live happily every after?" A secret dream of mine. But all joking aside. It really is a shame. also on the news in the same broadcast. a man and his 9 dogs burn to death in a fire... I said sheesh, that is enough to make for a depressing afternoon.


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