Heath Ledger found dead today.

i have to say that my girls, my best friend and i watched brokeback mountain. it breaks our hearts that he might have committed suicide, it is so sad. it took alot to make that movie. it has however become somewhat of a part of our family history. when my ex took us to court to try to take custody (after 12 yrs) that movie was one of the things that he mentioned as my inappropriate custody was that we had watched it with my "girlfriend". he stated in the court papers we ate "gay food" while watching it.... before you ask his idea of gay food was fondue. so needless to say... it has now become a family joke. that and the dd's haircut he objected to, also in court paperwork.

i am sorry that heath's daughter has to grow up without him.
OK....first of all.....Gay food
Are the side effects listed on the label?
Were you aware of any of this at the time? Are there any other foods we should be warned about???? On a serious note....heath's kid looks so much like him.......Its so sad for the child
I hope the media is respectful of his name. Seems whenever someone has tough times in life, they sensationalize it to make money no matter who they hurt
Newest news:

They are now saying that there was NOT any pills scattered around the body. His body was found nude and face down on the floor at the end of the bed. They did find a few bottles of prescription drugs including sleeping pills in the room his body was found in. Autopsy is going to be performed today to rule the cause of death. Police are saying they are thinking it was drug related but they don't know anything until the autopsy is finished.
and I am impressed with how the media is handling this one. I think it started on the negative side, but they are speaking respectful enough about him. I am pleased with that.
I feel for his daughter and his family. That being said, Hollywood lives in a different world than the rest of us. Drugs, alcohol, driving while intoxicated....... an innocent "normal person" will have to be hurt before they are exposed for the JUNKIES that they are.
You know you hear about Britney Spears and the Lohan girl and all them and you just know they are going to die young. Heath Ledger dying was a complete shock to me. I didn't know the man of course but it's hard to think of him as someone who would overdose, suicide or accidental. It makes me sad.

It makes me even more sad though that little girls look up to complete idiots like Britney Spears. That chick needs serious help!!!
I read an article that said he'd had trouble sleeping even after taking 2 Ambien. So it sounds like an accidental overdose or a bad reaction may be the official cause of death.

I feel so sad for his poor daughter, and for his family. You hate to see someone who seemed to be trying to make good choices end up as such a tragedy!
I am going to try to stay away from the news today - until the final report - I dont like how the media sometimes blows things up and almost makes a joke out of it - so instead I have one of his movies playing right now - I am watching The Brothers Grimm - love this movie.

I liked the Brothers Grimm...
The ME said that the autopsy was inconclusive.
The tox reports won't be back for a while.

You can overdose on Rx meds too...I did it once with my Zoloft...They're blue just like my Thyroid and I took 4 1/2 pills of Zoloft instead of 1 1/2 and 3 of Thyroid...

Especially since one of the meds mentioned was Ambien...you can get addicted to that really easily...

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