Barred Rocks!!!!!!!!! Why are they so mean?


8 Years
Jan 27, 2011
We have 8 Barred Rocks and they have such attitudes. They peck at us all the time.
We have several other breeds and these are the only ones who do this. Does anyone else have this problem?
Sorry for your troubles!

Our BR is the sweetest of our small flock. If we sit in a chair in the pen area, she will hop into one's lap; if someone kneels down, she will flap onto the open shoulder.

She has even fallen asleep in my wife's arms!
My barred rock is a sweetheart. She follows me around and comes running when I call her. She has begun to squat for me. She is sort of like a dog. I can lure her with a treat. Just adore her. She is definitely FAST. She gets food I sometimes try to give to other hens. And she snatched a cabbage moth in mid flight! She started out at the bottom of the pecking order but is on top. No fights with the others. She never pecks me.
My Barred Rocks are still young and a little afraid. My older one hasn't started laying and you still can't pet her but she's not mean. If she's walking, she's talking. They free range so I'm sure if one gets picked off it will be her! What a chatter box.

Oh my gosh, my Barred never shuts up. She is constantly clucking or squawking or whining or something. Only at night is she quiet.
Mean? Guess someone can breed an aggressive strain, but mine are not mean in the least. In fact, they're my favorite breed. Trust me, you got a raw deal with yours. They're not pushovers in the flock pecking order, but mine have always been quite friendly. You see my avatar, right? Sweetest rooster on the planet, very affectionate.

I was turned off to Delawares a few years ago when I hatched out some chicks from McMurray parents who were nutso and aggressive. Sold them as soon as I could. The breeder strain I have now is super friendly, even the rooster. Delawares and Rocks are known in general for their friendly natures, but on occasion, you may find a certain line tends toward aggression, contrary to their breed reputation.
Are you kidding me? Hatchery, right? My BR's are the world's sweetest! They're so gentle, docile, and never mind being held. They want to be held, and will eat out of my hand. These and Delawares, both. Most friendly birds in my experience! In fact, I haven't even heard of an aggressive strain before! Where are yours from?

If I had to pick one breed to have my whole flock of, these or Dels would be it.
They are from a McMurrey hatchery. We have 2 more that we picked up from TSC. They got their chicks from Townline hatchery. We hope they are nicer.
My BR is super sweet but yes, she is the first to peck at things. I have never thought of it as a mean or aggressive trait, but rather that she is curious about everything. Like a toddler who has to put everything in his mouth, my BR experiences her world via how it tastes or feels to her beak. Is it possible this is what is happening with your birds too?

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