~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

Here is a video of my Aussie with one of the little babies that hatched. 

that's adorable. I couldn't trust any of my dips with a baby that little. One would straight up kill it (husky. She'd keel any adults if she got the chance), one has that drive to hunt small things so ha couldn't do it (terrier mix), and my bulldog is just too big and clumsy lol. She loves the chickens and wouldn't hurt them on purpose but...
Tonight (at 10 pm) will be day 21. I've seen no egg movement or pipping. Guys, it's worse than Christmas. I gently spun the 'bator around to see the eggs on the other side and I heard PEEPING. No pips that I can see but I hope it's soon!
@Auroradream26 4 of your babies are out & running around my brooder. 1 black, 2 blue, 1 brown & cream with racing stripes...all with feathered feet. I'll go back & look at shells, but I think they were all from the same pullet.

5 of my own have hatched successfully: 1 silkie mix, 2 ee, & 2 from brown eggs. 2 more brown eggs have hatched but 1 broke it's yolk & has intestines protruding. It will need to be culled. The other kicked free of the egg too soon & has too much yolk left. We shall see what happens with it by this evening. Several more are pipped, so my hatch isn't over. I pulled 2 last night that pipped & drowned. My humidity was way high for a while, so still getting some wet chicks drowning in the shells. Just have to figure out the new cabinet. Then we'll be good to go. Turkeys are due the 14th, 19th, 25th & June 1st. Hoping the bator stabilizes in time for the first batch.
@Auroradream26 4 of your babies are out & running around my brooder. 1 black, 2 blue, 1 brown & cream with racing stripes...all with feathered feet. I'll go back & look at shells, but I think they were all from the same pullet.

5 of my own have hatched successfully: 1 silkie mix, 2 ee, & 2 from brown eggs. 2 more brown eggs have hatched but 1 broke it's yolk & has intestines protruding. It will need to be culled. The other kicked free of the egg too soon & has too much yolk left. We shall see what happens with it by this evening. Several more are pipped, so my hatch isn't over. I pulled 2 last night that pipped & drowned. My humidity was way high for a while, so still getting some wet chicks drowning in the shells. Just have to figure out the new cabinet. Then we'll be good to go. Turkeys are due the 14th, 19th, 25th & June 1st. Hoping the bator stabilizes in time for the first batch.

Congratulations! Do youthink anymorewill hatch? If they're all from the same pullet's eggs and are blue/black, I'm going to assume that they're from Lucky, the big blue girl. She was still laying the little pullet eggs.

that means that daddy was most likely my Black Copper Marans Joel, making your babies 1/8 brahma, 7/8 marans. Not sure about the racing stripped one though lol. Joel has the recessive wheaten gene and since Lucky is 1/4 brahma, who knows lol. I don't think my lavender ameraucana roo managed to get her at all. We'll have to see how they feather out :)
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@Auroradream26 4 of your babies are out & running around my brooder. 1 black, 2 blue, 1 brown & cream with racing stripes...all with feathered feet. I'll go back & look at shells, but I think they were all from the same pullet.

5 of my own have hatched successfully: 1 silkie mix, 2 ee, & 2 from brown eggs. 2 more brown eggs have hatched but 1 broke it's yolk & has intestines protruding. It will need to be culled. The other kicked free of the egg too soon & has too much yolk left. We shall see what happens with it by this evening. Several more are pipped, so my hatch isn't over. I pulled 2 last night that pipped & drowned. My humidity was way high for a while, so still getting some wet chicks drowning in the shells. Just have to figure out the new cabinet. Then we'll be good to go. Turkeys are due the 14th, 19th, 25th & June 1st. Hoping the bator stabilizes in time for the first batch.

Congratulations! Do youthink anymorewill hatch? If they're all from the same pullet's eggs and are blue/black, I'm going to assume that they're from Lucky, the big blue girl. She was still laying the little pullet eggs.

that means that daddy was most likely my Black Copper Marans Joel, making your babies 1/8 brahma, 7/8 marans. Not sure about the racing stripped one though lol. Joel has the recessive wheaten gene and since Lucky is 1/4 brahma, who knows lol. I don't think my lavender ameraucana roo managed to get her at all. We'll have to see how they feather out :)

Black could be lavender split as could the blue (I think). Gonna assume the racing stripes is that wheaten or brahma coming out, unless there was a welsumer in your pen.
@Auroradream26 4 of your babies are out & running around my brooder. 1 black, 2 blue, 1 brown & cream with racing stripes...all with feathered feet. I'll go back & look at shells, but I think they were all from the same pullet.

5 of my own have hatched successfully: 1 silkie mix, 2 ee, & 2 from brown eggs. 2 more brown eggs have hatched but 1 broke it's yolk & has intestines protruding. It will need to be culled. The other kicked free of the egg too soon & has too much yolk left. We shall see what happens with it by this evening. Several more are pipped, so my hatch isn't over. I pulled 2 last night that pipped & drowned. My humidity was way high for a while, so still getting some wet chicks drowning in the shells. Just have to figure out the new cabinet. Then we'll be good to go. Turkeys are due the 14th, 19th, 25th & June 1st. Hoping the bator stabilizes in time for the first batch.

Congratulations! Do youthink anymorewill hatch? If they're all from the same pullet's eggs and are blue/black, I'm going to assume that they're from Lucky, the big blue girl. She was still laying the little pullet eggs.

that means that daddy was most likely my Black Copper Marans Joel, making your babies 1/8 brahma, 7/8 marans. Not sure about the racing stripped one though lol. Joel has the recessive wheaten gene and since Lucky is 1/4 brahma, who knows lol. I don't think my lavender ameraucana roo managed to get her at all. We'll have to see how they feather out :)

Black could be lavender split as could the blue (I think). Gonna assume the racing stripes is that wheaten or brahma coming out, unless there was a welsumer in your pen.

I just looked at the chick again. It's buff with dark grey racing stripes. And must have come from the lighter egg with dark speckles.
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8 Bourbon Reds, 7 Speckled Sussex, 10 Lavender Orps, 2 LO x Barred Rock and 3 more pipped. 2 turkey, 2 SS and 2 LO eggs look to be quitters. My blond chick has wry neck

I just looked at the chick again. It's buff with dark grey racing stripes. And must have come from the lighter egg with dark speckles.

that one must be from Princess then. She's had some babies with racing stripes like that. it would be 1/4 brahma and 3/4 marans. I have 2 right now that were from princess that had racing stripes as babies. One featherd out like a wheaten Marans but with extra color, the other feathered out blue-ish lol. We had just gotten Malcolm (lavender ameraucana roo) not long before I sent you eggs and the girls were not not taking kindly to him being around so I doubt he was daddy to any of them... any puffy cheeks or beards?
ETA: no welsummers in the pen lol.
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I just looked at the chick again. It's buff with dark grey racing stripes. And must have come from the lighter egg with dark speckles.

that one must be from Princess then. She's had some babies with racing stripes like that. it would be 1/4 brahma and 3/4 marans. I have 2 right now that were from princess that had racing stripes as babies. One featherd out like a wheaten Marans but with extra color, the other feathered out blue-ish lol. We had just gotten Malcolm (lavender ameraucana roo) not long before I sent you eggs and the girls were not not taking kindly to him being around so I doubt he was daddy to any of them... any puffy cheeks or beards?
ETA: no welsummers in the pen lol.

Ok, no puffy cheeks or beards. The oddball baby definitely came from the bigger egg because it's twice the size of the other chicks. There are 3 little dark pullet eggs left & 1 big speckled egg, but way darker than the eggs oddball came from. No pips in those 4 yet, but they weren't even due until this evening.

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