
  1. C

    First Time Coop Builder / Chicken Keeper

    Hi Everyone! I am designing my first coop and would like some guidance for those of you that have experience! I live near Sudbury and right now my main concern is how to build the coop properly for winter. I've seen lots of info saying the ladies will share body heat to keep the coop warm...
  2. A

    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? While we've joked about having our own supply of fresh eggs, we never planned to raise chickens. As of last Friday we're now backyard chicken farmers(well garage, for now)! Here's our timeline: Thu: Our older child's class hatched 6...
  3. GreatLakesFungi


  4. Kalobis

    Chicken Math - Newbie

    Hello all, I have a couple of questions I couldn't find answers to, and I was hoping you could help! Q1) We are getting our first chicks soon and are planning for a starting flock of 6 ladies (up to 12 and some ducks once we know what we are doing), no roosters. In my area I can only get...
  5. LaughingLagomorph

    Beginner Breeder Tips/Advice?

    Hi! I'm by no means new to raising poultry, I am however new to breeding them. Does anybody have some tips, tricks or advice for a new breeder? Are there any supplies I should invest it? I currently have some little ayam cemanis that I plan to breed when they're old enough. I'm also planning...
  6. bubbleberry

    Peafowl Living Outside

    Hi, I have a single peachick due to hatch (long story) next month and wanted to get some advice I know to keep it in a brooder for 6-8 weeks and what to feed it but I'm in two minds whether to rehome it. If I did keep it I would try my best to find another peachick of a similar age. We have...
  7. Bubblesunrise

    Ordinance: coop set back & number of chickens

    Hello! I am fairly new at owning chickens. I live in a city that has fairly okay chicken ordinances, however I would love some advice and insight on my current situation with my hens and our city’s ordinance. I have 6 hens and had not done research into our city’s ordinances on Chickens. I...
  8. N

    Good morning, BYC friends!

    Hello! I have been dreaming of keeping chickens for YEARS, and am now ready to make my dreams come true. My goal is to have everything built and prepared to welcome three to four chickens next spring (I live in New Hampshire). I'm already scouting out answers to questions I have, and I'm sure...
  9. Sara_nowo

    Blue Wyandottes?

    So I’m not finding a lot of info on blue Wyandottes, most threads and articles are on blue laced red Wyandottes. Is this type of breed not common? I’m new to this and it’s my first year with chickens. I have 8 Wyandottes and LOVE them to death but they are still not laying and I can’t find much...
  10. Vexim

    Hatcheries in Sweden with online information, help?

    Hi, hello! If everything works out I will be moving to Sweden next year and, being very excited about it, I've been doing all kinds of research, so just ignore the fact I'm searching about it way ahead of time. :) After the move and when we settle in, I'd definitely like to get some chicks...
  11. JohnsterSpacePoultrygram

    A new beginner from Connecticut

    Hello everyone, I'm John. I'm new to this site, and my family is going to start raising their first chickens and ducks in just a few weeks from now. We are getting them as day-olds from Metzer Farms and My Pet Chicken. For the chickens, we've decided on getting some bantams and standard size...
  12. H

    How well do Runner Ducks lay?

    I’m looking to get some ducklings and I’m so thrown off by the variety of information I’m finding on Runner Ducks. Most websites say that Indian Runners lay 300+ eggs a year, but when I go to the hatchery websites, they all say 100-180 eggs a year…what’s your experience? And do you have any...
  13. S

    Selling Poultry in Michigan?

    Hi All!:) Hopefully someone has some insight here. Let me start by saying we are loving our chickens and the wife and I can both see us enjoying this enough to create a business out of it. We are about to close on a house with 5 acres, so super exciting times as per ordinances we can add to...
  14. BackyardBabe

    Hi! My name is Rivkah

    Hey friends, I wanted to introduce myself. I am Rivkah. I am newer to backyard chickens, going on three years. We have/had wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, Orpingtons(buff and black/lavender split),Australop and this year for the first time a barred rock and sexlink. My son is...
  15. H

    How cold is too cold for outdoors?

    Hello! Beginner chick owner here. I've ordered some cold-hardy laying breeds specifically so that I could have my ladies out year round once they're fully grown (Buff Orpington, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Australorp). Before I get my cold is too cold for them to be outdoors? I have...
  16. T

    Newbie from Tacoma WA USA!

    Hi all! I'm just about to jump into the backyard chicken game and am very excited! Have been doing research for a while and just found someone giving away a coop and 2 young hens, so am taking the leap this weekend! I'm in Tacoma Washington and have a relatively small urban home we bought this...
  17. P

    New member :D

    Hi all! I am brand new to raising chicks , with my Plymouth Rocks only being 2 and a half weeks old! 10 hatched, however unfortunately last night I lost one after complications since hatching. She was a gorgeous soul who the world just wasn't ready for yet, emotions are still high on losing...
  18. T

    Beginner Maintenance Help

    Hi all! I'm a major beginner (we got our 3 ~150 day old chickens 1 week ago) and have taken 100% of my guidance from my brother/sister in law. We have a small prefab coop with 2 nesting boxes and a pull out drawer to collect poop under the roost. I had planned to apply the deep litter method as...
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