1 Horse Horse Barn- Horse Owners, please approve!


Birds are life
Apr 9, 2020
Hi, I posted a thread called I'm thinking about horses. I have decided to get 1 horse- but not right now- in like 1-2 years! But, I need to start saving money for a barn now. A friend agreed to help me build it- I just need to figure out my design > which would help me figure out how much money I need to save up. I know that horses are a lot of money.

I will have 2 pens that will cycle (1 pen will be in use while the other isn't)
* The pens will be roughly 1 acre big
Screen Shot 2020-09-07 at 2.25.13 PM.png

*The horse will not be able to get to my tack area or hay area
*Sorry about the rough design, I used Powerpoint to create this

I would LOVE to hear your feedback! and I will also be accepting constructive criticism! 🐎 :)
I would do closer to 10 feet high. Ours are actually like 15 feet, but just so they don't thwack their head raising it suddenly

Also just a heads up, horses tend to do better with a buddy
I will plan to make it 10 feet! Thanks for the heads up, I will add that into my plan :thumbsup Should I have 2 females or 2 males? (which are calmer?)
....maybe something else to consider where your waste management will be located.....as well as electrical/solar/water hydrant....what sort of overhead shelter will be available in the pasture (trees/ lean-to).....
....maybe something else to consider where your waste management will be located.....as well as electrical/solar/water hydrant....what sort of overhead shelter will be available in the pasture (trees/ lean-to).....
Here's my plan (that I didn't add because you just reminded me, thanks! - that's not aggressive, its sincere)

I already have a manure area (where I put all my other animal's poo)

I don't know if i'm going to go solar or electrical, I'll have to ask my friend their thoughts on solar VS electrical.

I know that there will be trees in the pasture. I haven't chosen the exact location on my property to put it, but I do know that it will have some trees. I am planning on removing the dead branches (so it doesn't wack the horses on the head and/or scare/hurt them)

The water would come from my house water (Connect a pipe from my house to the barn. This is what I did with my goats when I first got them and the water works great).

I forgot all of that stuff, thanks for reminding me!

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