
  1. jwebb418

    First Time Incubating

    Ok I gave in and finally bought two incubators. Going to buy some eggs from either ebay or MPC since I can't find any near me. I was wandering around the net and found this page is this tip better than just...
  2. H

    Coop And Run Ideas/Blueprints?

    Hi all. I'm remodeling my chicken coop and I wanted to build/buy a chicken coop that had a large run attached to it. I have four hens and a rooster. Does anyone have any blueprints, ideas, or coop suggestions that I can buy or build? Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to respond!
  3. k2panman

    Where do we get fertile eggs or chickens on the Big Island, Hawaii

    Aloha, we want to start raising a few (12 or less I'm thinking now) chickens in June. We'll be living near South Point, on the Big Island, Hawai'i. We are newbies to chickens, and would like to find a local source to get some birds to start a flock. Does anyone on here sell fertile eggs (we...
  4. B

    Hey everyone! We just ordered day old chicks!

    Hi everyone! My husband and I just ordered day old chicks. My husband has experience with baby chicks, horses, and other animals, but I don't. We are a homeschool family of 6; we have 4 children ages 3 months, almost 2 years old, 7 years old, and almost 10 years old. My sister in law has a...
  5. J

    Incubating button quail humidity?

    so I put some button quail eggs in an incubator but the humidity won’t go any lower than 60-65%. I put a small dehumidifier in there which is keeping it low 60s. Is that too high or do I need to find something else to keep it lower?
  6. M

    New ducklings

    I just brought home 6 ducklings that hatched today! 5 Khaki Campbell and 1 Peking! I'm curious about imprinting, will all or one imprint on me or will they imprint only with each other? I plan on spending tons of time with them daily. Also any beginners info would much appreciated! Temperament...
  7. MikeSCollins

    Chicks are wanting to stay in the coop

    He everyone 1st set of chicks, we have moved them out to the coop and run the last couple of days. Everything is going good except for in the morning I am having to basically kick them out of the coop to get them outside. Are there any tricks to getting them to come out on their own or am I just...
  8. Eggkazoo

    I’m new to chickens and I’m getting silkies

    I have recently decided that I wanted to own chickens as pets. I’ve always wanted birds but birds like parrots and doves seemed to be a hassle. Then I realized that chickens exist. I’m going for the fluff ball of the chicken world, the silkie! I already have food, a feeder, waterer, heat lamp...
  9. C

    Hello Fellow Chicken Enthusiasts!

    My name is Cat and I’m curenttly doing research in preparation for getting hens! I’ll be doing LOTS of searching through forum posts and probably asking many questions of seasoned hen keepers. I’m looking forward to learning from this group and getting started for myself! Thanks in advance!
  10. Fairytalecakesandsweets

    First timer feeling a little anxious

    Hello! Just got 3 chicks today, the light, shavings, food, probiotics and vitamins... it's kinda cold here ... 37° so I moved them into my garage. But they're chirping kinda loud now... Is that bad? They're a week old. Any and all tips and tricks more than appreciated on all things baby chicks...
  11. A

    Duck pecking order ??

    Hi i was just wondering at what age ducks begin to establish a pecking order I have 3 duckling (all around 10 weeks) the one muscovy has started to become aggresive towards the smallest mallard we have. - started to latch onto its wing and not let go. Pulling out feathers and all. I was...
  12. SeanClark5879

    Starting my FIRST flock! Coop design musts?!

    So I know that the coop should be at least 4 square feet per chicken and the run 10 square feet per chicken, but I have some questions. So I live in town and I'm planning on getting 6-10 hens and possible a bantam rooster (if my husband is okay with the rooster), so I'm basically planning for 7...
  13. VTBobCat

    Just bought our first chicks!

    I'm so excited to begin our chicken journey. We just ordered our first chicks and are expecting them to arrive here in VT at the end of the month. We ordered 5 Barred Plymouth Rock, 5 Austrolorp, & 6 Speckled Sussex. Can't wait to start raising them!:wee
  14. J

    First time flock raiser coming in March... yikes!

    Hi All, My name is Jake and I just recently moved to Baltimore County, MD. My wife and two little girls (3.5 years and 8 months) decided we want to start our own little flock in our backyard for eggs. Neither my wife or I, or our girls for that matter, have ever owned chickens or have any...
  15. Fonss

    Identify and help please

    I found a baby chick about two or three months ago and started raising it, the chick didn't immediately warm up to me but now it's not afraid of me and trusts me. I have zero information or any kind of idea about chicken in general, the decision to raise her was impulsive. Can anyone help me...
  16. DAnnaS

    Hello! - Somewhat of a Newbie

    Hello everyone! My name is D'Anna, and I've decided to join BackYard Chickens! While this is my first time being here, it's not the first time I've owned chickens. The last time I've had a chicken was back in 2015. She sadly died and I have since then moved to a new place. Now, after nearly...
  17. T

    Looking for advice and guidance in hatching and raising Emus

    So I am looking to embark on a new chapter in hatching and raising Emus. I have done an abundance of reading and have learned the following: 1: Eggs need to be incubated at 97.5 degrees F. 2: Eggs hatch roughly 50-60 days once incubated. 3: Rattie birds require a special diet and feed and also...
  18. Densunes

    Need pointers for raising turkeys

    My small morning school just bought 2 breeding turkeys and I was wondering what are the best things we can do to keep them happy. We have about 8 acres of land and greenhouses to grow food, since it's winter and we get heavy snow they have to be inside a large pen where they can move freely...
  19. N

    Laying Hens Eating Grower Feed

    Hello Everyone! I am still learning the ropes of keeping chickens so please bear with me. I have eight hens and some of them are starting to lay. I don't have any layer feed. Is it okay if they keep eating grower feed of a little while (I just got a new bag of grower feed). What happens if I...
  20. N

    Laying Hens Eating Grower Feed

    Hello Everyone! I am still learning the ropes of keeping chickens so please bear with me. I have eight hens and some of them are starting to lay. I don't have any layer feed. Is it okay if they keep eating grower feed of a little while (I just got a new bag of grower feed). What happens if I...
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