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  1. Knock Kneed Hen

    How long should you wait if changing meds?

    I have a rooster that I found straining to go. I cleaned his bottom, which was sealed with dried feces. It took a few days of cleaning him and administering mineral oil at both ends for him to relieve himself. I noticed he was thin, but otherwise alert and bright eyed. After about five days...
  2. Knock Kneed Hen

    Pet quality crested Swedish Flower Hen cockerel - San Diego County

    This pretty boy needs a flock to call his own. I'd rather eat him then to see him warehoused in a cage some where by himself. I'm in the mountains of San Diego but am willing to meet somewhere if the distance is an issue. I travel to Redlands on a semi- regular basis and am willing to meet...
  3. Knock Kneed Hen

    What antibiotic should I use for chronic diarrhea?

    Hi folks! I have a rooster that has had diarrhea now for a couple of months. I've gone down the road of the process of elimination. I've also tried probiotics, firming up his stool with oatmeal, etc.. I finally had my vet send in a fecal. It came back clean. With the help of another BYC'er and...
  4. Knock Kneed Hen

    **SOLD**Brooder Box on Wheels / San Diego

    This safe and sturdy brooder box is on a heavy metal frame with casters. It measures 36.75" tall, 37.5" deep and 47" wide. The floor of the brooder to the top is 14". No more bending down! It has removable floor boards for easy clean up. Both sections of the top lift up/off. Includes heat lamp...
  5. Knock Kneed Hen

    San Diego Meet-up ***June 8th, 2013***

    :yiipchick Okay Folks! Time to mark your calendars for the next San Diego Meet-up!! :yiipchick Saturday, June 8th, 2013 starting at 9am. We'll be there all day! We'll be meeting at the Ramona Junior Fairgrounds. Address:The Ramona Country Fair is located at 431 Aqua Lane and 5th Street...
  6. Knock Kneed Hen

    OP can't edit thread title, need help

    Hi, A fellow BYC'er started a meet up thread. In the past, when we started a new meetup we'd just put the updated info on the first post and refer people to that. Since we all get so chatty it's a great way to keep the thread updated without the important information getting lost or buried...
  7. Knock Kneed Hen

    Details for the next SAN DIEGO MEET UP Sept. 30, 2012

    :yiipchick***San Diego Chicken Meetup!!!***:yiipchick Sunday, September 30th, 2012 -- 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or until the last person is standing! Just an FYI for anyone who might be driving up and taking Poway Road to the 67: Poway Road is...
  8. Knock Kneed Hen

    Is this a reaction from the heat?

    I had one Swedish Flower Hen yesterday that looked like she was napping throughout the day. A lot more lethargic than usual. Today a different SFH is acting similar, except that her comb and wattles are very crimson red. Not just a hen coming into laying, but seriously bright red. She's...
  9. Knock Kneed Hen

    Impacted crop, how often can I administer mineral oil?

    My hen ate a load of pine shavings. I have her in a cage on paper with water only. I gave her 3 mils of mineral oil last night and massaged her crop. I gave her 5 mils of mineral oil this morning and massaged her crop. I've been massaging her crop every two hours. She has passed some matter...
  10. Knock Kneed Hen

    Mama chicken has tapeworm, have questions.

    I originally posted only that one of my pens has worms. I now know its the mama hen with her two almost four week old babies. They rely on her for warmth and protection still. I really want to keep the chicks with her. Suggestions appreciated!! Hi! I discovered that I had tape worms...
  11. Knock Kneed Hen

    When can I let my hen with chicks out without supervision with the flock?

    This is only the second time I've let a broody raise a couple of chicks. The first time I was letting the hen and chicks mingle with the flock (I had a creep set up for them to get away to). All was going well for a couple of weeks, then I found a scalped chick hiding in one of the nest boxes...
  12. Knock Kneed Hen

    San Diego Meet Up June 2, 2012

    MEET UP INFORMATION June 2nd , from the time the roosters crow until the cows come home!! The Serama show starts at 9:30, and will probably go until 3pm, 100 entrants expected! We'll say 10 a.m. to 2 p.m, but of course, you can come earlier and leave later...
  13. Knock Kneed Hen

    Can I put two broody hens together?

    I have two hens sitting on eggs right now, both due to hatch out the same day. I have a GIANT dog crate in the pen and was planning on moving them into it with the babies until the babies are a little bigger. My question is: Can I put both hens and their chicks in the crate together? It's...
  14. Knock Kneed Hen

    What's the life of an incubator?

    Before I invest, I wonder how long these machines last? Do they need regular repair or maintenance (obviously cleaning between uses). How long have you had YOUR incubator? Any recommendations for an easy to use machine?
  15. Knock Kneed Hen

    Strange bumps/sores on neck**pic**

    I have a 5 wk old NN. I noticed these bumps on his neck about a week ago. They look like little clear round blisters. The old bumps are now scabbing over but new bumps are showing up in other areas of the back of his neck. The area is also raised. The best way to describe it is it looks just...
  16. Knock Kneed Hen

    Planned Parenthood not to blame; the truth post #25

    This post was originally titled : OH, the Stupidity of Planned Parenthood!!! and the following is the original post. However, things came to light and once clarified the title needed to be changed. In talking to my sister about her drug addicted daughter I suggested she take her to Planned...
  17. Knock Kneed Hen

    **GRAPHIC PICS**/Abnormal fat supplies?

    Hi, This hen hadn't layed for almost a year. She went broody, raised a couple of chicks and never seemed to recover. She ate fine but drank more than normal. She spent a lot of time on the floor of the coop, not moving much. She appeared bright and alert. When I would hold her very upright...
  18. Knock Kneed Hen

    Chick doesn't seem to have absorbed yolk, what can I do?!

    I have a 4 day old chick. Noticed last night it wasn't as active as the others. Was picking at food but found it's crop almost empty. I moved it into another brooder box with two buddies. I ground up the starter/grower food more just in case. Put electrolytes/vitamins in the water. Thought...
  19. Knock Kneed Hen

    Where do I find the colorbook?

    I found a link, but it said this: ERROR [FryException] (0) Can't render without any master template set If you report this error, please include the following timestamp: 1329165952.3534 I'd like to find the link that has all the pages, not just the recent contest. Thanks!
  20. Knock Kneed Hen

    Worried my post is too small for my heavy gate. Need advice!

    Hi, I'm still plugging away at this run I'm building. I built the door and decided to make it solid using scrap 2 x 4 's and 3/4" planks from left over materials. The door looks great, but it's very, very heavy! I just purchased 18" heavy duty strap hinges and 3/4" pins to put through the...
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