Planned Parenthood not to blame; the truth post #25

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Knock Kneed Hen

California Dream'in Chickens
9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
So. Cal.
This post was originally titled : OH, the Stupidity of Planned Parenthood!!! and the following is the original post. However, things came to light and once clarified the title needed to be changed.

In talking to my sister about her drug addicted daughter I suggested she take her to Planned Parenthood for a Depo implant so that no drug addicted babies are born to her. My sister hadn't even heard of it, but was eager to discuss it with my niece. We were both pleasantly surprised when my niece agreed that it was the right thing for her to do.

My sister made an appt. at planned parenthood, explaining the situation. My sister agreed to pay for it too. They said to bring my niece in. Instead of giving my niece a 5 yr. depo implant, they gave her a year supply of the pill. Don't they realize that she's a drug addict and when she's flying high as a kite she's not going to be getting up every morning and thinking "Time to take the pill."?!!! :barnie

Not only does the system fail women, it fails children. I just don't understand why.....
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Don't have any answers for you, but I totally agree with your frustrations! I feel the same way.
Maybe calling HQ to complain? Or find them on facebook or Twitter. I twittered about Walmart before and Chevy . Didnt take long for Chevy to respond and fix my car for free eventhough warranty had expired..(the AC kept on leaking into the passenger side and was fixed three times during warranty) Companies dont like negative publicity.
I guess my question would be, why didn't your sister speak up? Surely she did not send a drug addict alone and expect her to make an intelligent decision by herself.
I guess my question would be, why didn't your sister speak up? Surely she did not send a drug addict alone and expect her to make an intelligent decision by herself.

My sister took the day off of work and took my adult niece in herself. She explained the situation when she made the appointment. I suppose PP has rules and regs. to follow..l have no idea why they refused her the depo. I suspect that they require a young girl (my niece is 20) to go through some counseling before making the decision to be semi permanently on birth control.
They don't do depo that much any more, bad side effects. She might have been able to get an IUD, those are what is being done more these days. If your neice didn't insist on long term birth control thats probably why they gave her the pill.
They don't do depo that much any more, bad side effects.  She might have been able to get an IUD, those are what is being done more these days.  If your neice didn't insist on long term birth control thats probably why they gave her the pill. 

Worse than being a heroin addict? I really get disgusted by the system and the fact that it always sides with the irresponsible adult. Why don't they err on the side of safety where children are concerned?

Worse than having a drug addicted daughter is having a drug addicted daughter show up on the porch 9 months pregnant. I feel so terrible for my sister. She's going through hell.
Another option is called Implanon. It is a plastic rod that is inserted below the skin on your inner bicep and lasts 3 years. It takes an office visit of about 10 minutes and a placement check after a month, but it is overall an easy, no thought at all, option.
Another option is called Implanon.  It is a plastic rod that is inserted below the skin on your inner bicep and lasts 3 years.  It takes an office visit of about 10 minutes and a placement check after a month, but it is overall an easy, no thought at all, option.

Thank you so much for this information!
Maybe calling HQ to complain? Or find them on facebook or Twitter. I twittered about Walmart before and Chevy . Didnt take long for Chevy to respond and fix my car for free eventhough warranty had expired..(the AC kept on leaking into the passenger side and was fixed three times during warranty) Companies dont like negative publicity.

Sounds like your heater coil was leaking, had that happen to me more than once it's not the AC
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