Chick doesn't seem to have absorbed yolk, what can I do?!

Knock Kneed Hen

California Dream'in Chickens
9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
So. Cal.
I have a 4 day old chick. Noticed last night it wasn't as active as the others. Was picking at food but found it's crop almost empty.
I moved it into another brooder box with two buddies. I ground up the starter/grower food more just in case. Put electrolytes/vitamins in the water. Thought maybe it's getting crowded out, not getting it's share.

Just now I noticed that it's lower abdomen, really more the area below the vent, it enlarged. I wonder if it's having trouble absorbing the yolk. It has poop under it's vent so it's pooping. What can I do? I will feed it with a syringe just to keep it going....maybe needs more time.

Any suggestions? Any thoughts on what's going on? Thanks!

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