Can I put two broody hens together?

Knock Kneed Hen

California Dream'in Chickens
9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
So. Cal.
I have two hens sitting on eggs right now, both due to hatch out the same day.

I have a GIANT dog crate in the pen and was planning on moving them into it with the babies until the babies are a little bigger.

My question is: Can I put both hens and their chicks in the crate together? It's the giant 700 series (St. Bernard). Or do I have to keep them separate for a while? If I can when should I move them? Right now one is in a nest box in the coop and the other is locked in a smaller crate inside the coop (she kept returning to the wrong nest box).

It shouldn't be a problem. The moms may be a bit funny with each other for a day or two, but they should sort themselves out quickly.

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