Recent content by Tomtommom

  1. Tomtommom


    We bought 2 of them to make an aquaponic system. They were $40 each. There's a water treatment place in Alabaster that sells them. They get them from Alabama Power, they have the oil in them used for the turbines in the dams.. obviously safe enough to end up in the lakes. Nothing Dawn doesn't...
  2. Tomtommom

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    My Dutch passport has expired (bad me.. ), but as long as I renew it before I become an American citizen I can have dual citizenship. That means my kids can claim Dutch citizenship if they wish to do so (or I can get a passport for them before they turn 18). While there are benefits, on the same...
  3. Tomtommom


    You're both crazy. We're all crazy.
  4. Tomtommom


    Whole lot of warnings on the NOAA radio... and not much weather issues. Guess that's a good thing.
  5. Tomtommom


    I'm only on my 2nd. I mean.. *hick*
  6. Tomtommom


    Thanks. I need to get some better pics.. might actually be possible now that they don't run away from me all the time.
  7. Tomtommom

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    What a thread to cut your teeth on! Congrats on the pips. You're jumping in head first!
  8. Tomtommom


    I about ate Heimlich the other day... He got one of the muscovy babies by the wing and yanked several emerging wing feathers out. Poor thing bled quite a bit. He's been pretty pushy with the little ones, but he's getting rough with them now. So I managed to catch Heimlich, held him down, ready...
  9. Tomtommom


    Aw I'm sorry to hear that, Orps
  10. Tomtommom


    They're too deep in that thing, can't reach haha and they take turns sitting, so they're never off the nest. Guess they think I stole their eggs last time (the rotten ones)
  11. Tomtommom


    They're machines. Just the sight of a clutch of eggs makes them sit
  12. Tomtommom


    Got some more muscovy sitting again Not sure if it's going to work out being so warm... If they do manage to hatch, we're looking at 20+ eggs again The first batch has gotten big, feathering out nicely.. eating like pigs. Chickens are laying well, they had a tough patch with the heat last...
  13. Tomtommom


    Having been born and raised in the Netherlands I can tell you I will eat Dutch foodstuff any day, it's better quality than American foodstuff (European rules on food are actually much stricter than American ones, a lot of additives that are OK in the US are illegal in Europe). Can't say the same...
  14. Tomtommom

    Chicken Breed Focus - Maline

    From the looks of it, they're a lot bigger than barred rocks. Can't just go by the color of the feathering... if that was the case Australorps, Jersey giants, black copper Marans and black Orpingtons would all be the same bird too.. which they are not.
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