Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

The last one hatched this am. The whole time I was worried about the ones near the door. I was opening it 5x a day. Well, when I went to increase the humidity I realized that the inner glass had a bad seal. 8 of the 12 near the door hatched. The other 4 were full size but lifeless. One pipped but bled. I was impressed since the eggs came from a hatchery 3 hours away.

Of the 12 near the window. 3 hatched. 1 was clear and the other 8 had something in. The poor little 3 are a day younger and I don't know if it matters they are black. I can't put them in with the other because the little yellow chicks peck at them non stop.

I had no idea this was going to work so we never set up a brooder or bought food. Yesterday was busy getting all that done. The kids are enjoying the chicks!

Congrats on the hatch!
Thanks! One of the blacks started jumping off the water dish and pecking the others so I moved him in with the yellows. He is fine. The other two still aren't walking very well yet. Hopefully tomorrow.
On this day in 1946, the United States recognized the independence of the Philippines. This was the culmination of a process that began in 1916, when the Jones Law pledged the eventual recognition of Philippine independence, and that continued with the Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934, which provided for a ten-year transitional period to prepare for independence.

The independence of the Philippines was marked by Manuel Roxas retaking his oath as President of the Philippines, eliminating the pledge of allegiance to the United States On this day, the Republic of the Philippines—independent, and recognized by the family of nations—was founded
On this day in 1946, the United States recognized the independence of the Philippines. This was the culmination of a process that began in 1916, when the Jones Law pledged the eventual recognition of Philippine independence, and that continued with the Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934, which provided for a ten-year transitional period to prepare for independence.

The independence of the Philippines was marked by Manuel Roxas retaking his oath as President of the Philippines, eliminating the pledge of allegiance to the United States On this day, the Republic of the Philippines—independent, and recognized by the family of nations—was founded

I was not aware of this, Thanks for letting us know!
So, Happy Independence Day to the Philippines as well as to us!!

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