Dumbledore has found a new home with a local family of chicken lovers.

Having been born and raised in the Netherlands I can tell you I will eat Dutch foodstuff any day, it's better quality than American foodstuff (European rules on food are actually much stricter than American ones, a lot of additives that are OK in the US are illegal in Europe). Can't say the same for Chinese food, wont touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole..

I doubt the government has caused the avian influenza to somehow make the US need import eggs. What DOES play a factor is the way we raise animals in the US. Customers have grown used to cheap eggs and cheap meat, something that can only be realized by raising the critters inhumanely. Stress is a huge factor in immune system compromise... they are simply very susceptible. All the antibiotics that keep them 'healthy' do nothing for flu. Whoops... Imagine that.
I think you are confusing the quality( if that is really the case) over policy. Like beef chicken fishes of all kinds and produce. Our government accepts all the foriegn influx of farm products, from all over world. They neither fix the infastructure or promote commerce. They do increase profits though for foriegn holdings. There is not a food crisis in the world that American Family Farms can deal with. Especially if their own government stood behind them.

Off my soap box now
Well, whatever was killing the ducklings took out 10 out of 14. I never did find out what was wrong with them, but we at least have 4 strong little ducks left. They hide under the chantie hen at night and follow Ducky during the day. Goofy little things.

One of my buckeye boys is having a hard time with the heat. He's been staggering around for the past few days. I'd bring him in the house for a while, but the crowing is keeping me from doing it. His hen and the other two aren't having any problems at all. Along with their usual fresh water, I've got Sav-A-Chick electrolyte for them. I fell like I should have given it to the on the first day in the 90s. So yeah, I feel like a horrible person.

I've got one shipped chick that I think is a GLW. Her tail stood up until the chicks I had her in with attacked her. She lives alone now.

And this is why I never have time for BYC.

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