I started making these after I got tired of buying overpriced breakfast burritos in my neighborhood, and now these are our favorite breakfast!
serves 2 portions.

2 tortillas
1 cup cooked beans (this is my favorite bean recipe: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/yummy-refried-beans.76304/ )
4 slices of cheese
4 cooked scrambled eggs seasoned with salt and pepper.

1. Add a thin layer of cooked beans (1/2 cup) in the middle of each tortilla. I like to add a little mayo to the tortillas before adding the beans.

2. Add 2 slices of cheese to each tortilla.

3. Add the scrambled eggs on top of the cheese.

4. Fold the burritos sides first and then tops, then place them in a pan folding side down so it seals the burritos, over medium heat:

5. Flip the burritos and cook until brown.

Enjoy! you can add some hot sauce, green sauce etc. or just by it self!