will hanging the feeders help to avoid mice climing into them?


11 Years
Aug 2, 2012
Brenham TX
I am a new lucky owner of an automatic pullet shut door that was installed 2 days ago. Before, I used to go every evening to close the hen doors and put the feeders away in a cabinet. Since now I have the automatic door, I decided to hang the feeders instead of taking them away. I do not have a mice infestation but having chickens, there are always mice around. I have hung them high enough that the chickens can get to the feed, however I wonder if mice can climb thru the rafters and come down the hog wire I use to hang the feeders. Those little buggers can pretty much get every where. Am I fooling myself thinking that I have outsmarted them? has anybody seen them going up and down a vertical wire?
Yes, mice can scurry down wires or strings or take a leap/jump of faith from a height up to about 8 feet above the feeder. they can climb straight up most walls, they can also easily jump about 12" vertical from a standing position...
OMG really???? We dont stand a chance then!!
OMG really???? We dont stand a chance then!!
That's about the size of it. Mice are pretty acrobatic, squirrels even worse. I try to remember to cover the food dish with a 10 gallon planter pot every night, but I usually forget. And even when I do remember, I can't be sure that mice aren't squeezing under the edge and getting inside.
I'm thinking of making one of those 5-gallon bucket feeders with the PVC fittings that the chickens feed through. Then I could plug those up every night and be sure the mice were shut out.
Yeah they are pretty acrobatic and I might add contortionists, they fit thru every little hole there is. i guess I just have to pull out my faithful mouse trap, i got an electric one (works with batteries) that does a pretty good job. Well it was just wishful thinking, what the heck, one can only wish.....
Yes, mice can scurry down wires or strings or take a leap/jump of faith from a height up to about 8 feet above the feeder. they can climb straight up most walls, they can also easily jump about 12" vertical from a standing position...
Can I be safe in thinking rats are not so agile? Please???? :/
Can I be safe in thinking rats are not so agile? Please???? :/

No you are not safe in thinking so, rats can free fall (leap of faith) from about 40-50 feet high without getting hurt, they can jump about 3 feet vertical from a standing position, they can jump about 4 feet horizontal, and they to can scurry up and down ropes or wires just like mice....
That's about the size of it. Mice are pretty acrobatic, squirrels even worse.
We used to have squirrels that would jump off one of our tree branches from about 40 feet in the air - bounce off one of the birdfeeders (on a post about 6' above ground level), hit the ground, lay there for like 20 minutes unconscious - then get up, eat the food that had been scattered by the impact, and go back and do it again.

The best way to prevent mice, IMO, is to keep them out at night/seal the feeders at night, the chickens will take care of them in the daytime - they're tasty.
We used to have squirrels that would jump off one of our tree branches from about 40 feet in the air - bounce off one of the birdfeeders (on a post about 6' above ground level), hit the ground, lay there for like 20 minutes unconscious - then get up, eat the food that had been scattered by the impact, and go back and do it again.

TRIVA: Squirrels never reach a lethal terminal velocity when free falling, thus they can technically jump/fall from any height and survive... They use their tail and body as a makeshift parachute and at the last moment they tuck their tail under them and use it to cushion the landing...
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