will hanging the feeders help to avoid mice climing into them?

This is a funny thread. this past week splitting wood, i ran into a couple of hollow logs that had mice nests in them. I tossed them into the run and my chickens had a field day. It was take away to see who could keep and eat the mice. Any mice in my coop are an evening meal.
TRIVA: Squirrels never reach a lethal terminal velocity when free falling, thus they can technically jump/fall from any height and survive... They use their tail and body as a makeshift parachute and at the last moment they tuck their tail under them and use it to cushion the landing...
Isn't it amazing how creatures are designed to best function according to their needs?

This is a funny thread. this past week splitting wood, i ran into a couple of hollow logs that had mice nests in them. I tossed them into the run and my chickens had a field day. It was take away to see who could keep and eat the mice. Any mice in my coop are an evening meal.
I tossed a mouse that my cat was not "strict enough with" into the run. What a scrimmage!

My mother once said that a mouse would back up to a wall and then squeeze through his pucker hole to get to the other side.

One thing I do to decrease risk of rodents is: never have feed out at night. I feed fermented feed in the morning, and toss a few handfulls of pellets in the evening, which they completely clean up before going to roost.
OMG really???? We dont stand a chance then!!

A treadle feeder may be the way to go if you find yourself having a pest problem with your feed consumption. Your poultry can easily trigger the mechanism, but most rodents/wild birds would be too light, thus protecting your feed from unintended consumers.
Depending on the size of your coop, I recommend a large repeating mouse trap... There are DIY plans for a 5 gallon bucket version all over the Internet... Most of those 5 gallon bucket ones leave the lid open and that is not going to work around chickens unless you say put a metal screen or shelf a few inches above it... Best to drill a hole in the side of the bucket instead...

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