UPDATED #2: Sick chick..posted earlier no response PLEASE HELP ME

With all chicks and especially with shipped chicks there are some that will not thrive and lack the will to survive. A sad fact of raising chickens. Newly hatched chicks DO NOT have/should not be wormed.
The loss is at 2 now...

the first one and this last one...

so we are really hoping that this is the last one..the kids are miserable!!
You got that right it is made for Cattle ad sheep!

As to FFA praising....that is frankly hogwash. I can tell you more stories about losing animals due to following
stupid advice from FFAers and 4-Hers. The purposes of those clubs/organizations is for kids to have the opportunity to study soething, compete with it an go on. It is often ran by parents, most of which are not experts in the field. I can say this because I belonged to BOTH in my youth. You do not give antibiotics until the illness is diagnosed, you do not medicate a baby ANYTHING without knowing what to medicate, which medication and what you are medicating for, that includes wormers

OP sometimes comething just is not working as it should in the chick and it fails to thrive, sometimes it is an incubation issue amd most time you never know what happened.

You can try scrambled egg, some sugar in the water to give it a boost, yogurt with chick crumble in it. Make sure it is shown the food and water, feed and water yourself several times per day to try to give it a chance. But ultimately, the chick has to be capable and have the desire to feed itself and drink.

Make sure the babies are not on cedar shavings, they are not too hot or too cold, have fresh water and food available 24/7 and the rest is up to them once you point them in the right direction.
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sorry you have lost 2, and sorry for your children having to go through this, lets just hope it will help them to really see how fragile life is and be responsible to take care of those that are left.. all the best to ya'll....

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