Baby chick shock, neurological damage?? Suggestions appreciated!

Sylver Queen

9 Years
Jul 21, 2014
Hello again so soon,

I arrived at a client's house today to find him stooped over his 3-week-old pullet. She had gotten stuck under a feeder for several hours (God knows how), and I offered to take her home with me since he did not have a "sick bay" and I did.

I was concerned something more may be wrong because she will not stop spasming, and even these hours later she will not lift her head, has labored breathing, and keeps extending her legs and neck in a rhythm. I wondered about wryneck and even disease, but when i huddle her in my hands she stops spasming so much and rests, so I'm thinking possible connective tissue injury from being stuck, and symptoms are consistent with shock. That will kill her first if I don't help her through it, injury can be treated later.

I have forced her beak into water with Nutri-Drench and Rooster Booster several times, but she gets only a little. She talks occasionally (chick talk) and flutters her wings when she awakens and i handle her, but mostly I'm wondering if you fine folks have any other tips for handling shock in a little one to help it regulate?!? She will not make it if she can't drink or eat soon. I can't keep her in a dark place because she needs a heat lamp still, but I'm trying to not mess with her and keep things quiet. Pic of her little curled toes, this is the only position she will settle in unless I'm cupping my hands around her.

Thank for any info, as always!! <3

Update: I suspect neurological damage as it rouses and talks and is alert at times but cannot control its body and has no interest in food. It's growing weaker. I'll try to get B vitamins into it but I can't make it eat. Any advice is appreciated. ♥️


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Hello again so soon,

I arrived at a client's house today to find him stooped over his 3-week-old pullet. She had gotten stuck under a feeder for several hours (God knows how), and I offered to take her home with me since he did not have a "sick bay" and I did.

I was concerned something more may be wrong because she will not stop spasming, and even these hours later she will not lift her head, has labored breathing, and keeps extending her legs and neck in a rhythm. I wondered about wryneck and even disease, but when i huddle her in my hands she stops spasming so much and rests, so I'm thinking possible connective tissue injury from being stuck, and symptoms are consistent with shock. That will kill her first if I don't help her through it, injury can be treated later.

I have forced her beak into water with Nutri-Drench and Rooster Booster several times, but she gets only a little. She talks occasionally (chick talk) and flutters her wings when she awakens and i handle her, but mostly I'm wondering if you fine folks have any other tips for handling shock in a little one to help it regulate?!? She will not make it if she can't drink or eat soon. I can't keep her in a dark place because she needs a heat lamp still, but I'm trying to not mess with her and keep things quiet. Pic of her little curled toes, this is the only position she will settle in unless I'm cupping my hands around her.

Thank for any info, as always!! <3

Update: I suspect neurological damage as it rouses and talks and is alert at times but cannot control its body and has no interest in food. It's growing weaker. I'll try to get B vitamins into it but I can't make it eat. Any advice is appreciated. ♥️
Update: Pretty sure it's Marek's, she's got all the symptoms to a T and the feed store does not vaccinate against it. Really wish my friend had known this and REALLY wish I hadn't brought her home, but my flock is at least half vaccinated and I will be disinfecting everything double time. This is my first experience with this and I guess it's good to learn.

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