Understanding A Happy Cuddle Buddy Chicken


Mar 12, 2020
Northern Maine
So I have viewed the threads and didn't find anything about this topic so far. So I'll make one with things that I have learned.
(I think that I goes on Random Ramblings because Chicken Behaviors is were the writer ask for help? :confused:)

How To Tell If Your Chicken Loves To Cuddle
The first obvious sign is the chicken will jump on your head, shoulders, or lap and lean against you or sit down.
They might follow you and whine to be picked up

When you pick them up they might wrap their heads around your neck, yawn, or squeak happily.

Another thing, which is really hard to describe, is that they might move their beak in a up and down motion and also forward and backwards motion like after eating a slug. They might even tilt their heads and close their eyes.

How To Tell If Your Chickens Hate To Cuddle
Tensed muscles, tightened curled talons, and raised hackles are obvious signs.

Squirming legs and flaping wings are also signs and can become dangerous. Filthy sharp talons can dig into your flesh, cut veins and infect. While strong wings can hit you with painful force, diging the tiny wing talon into your skin.

Squirming, this is a sign of discomfort of either human contact or you are holding them too tightly.

Chicken clucks that sound quick and low with a slight high pich beging and long groaning whines are signs that your chicken is slightly angry but mainly just moody if they don't cluck and whine to much. You can cuddle them for a short amount of time before they think that enough is enough and wing slap you.

How To Tell If You Chicken Is To Scared To Cuddle
Two obviouse signs are you have to chase or snag the chicken to get cuddle it. During geting close to grabing the chicken and holding it, hens will postition themself into submissive mating postions and can even stay in that postion when you pick them up. Please don't snuggle scared chickens.

Pathetic clucking or no clucking are bad signs. The no clucking is not always bad because that can mean that they are asleep, but imediate quite after picking up is bad.

Dropping heads, closed eyes, and gapping mouth can also be a sign of fear if put side by side and if it is not hot, though they can be scared without gapping their mouths.

Tigthly curled talon against the chest area can also be a sign.

Moving the chicken's head up and down, left a right without much reasponsee from the chicken, like struggling or repostioning their head much.

Walking while holding the chicken and their heads seem to just stay behind as if they were focusing on something.

Blank, unmoving eyes with big pupils and a blank stare, staring at nothing and something.

Shaking talons and shivering.

Panicked clucking and shrieks.

How To Pick Up A Chicken
Get up close to them and bend down, stroke the back of the chicken so that they will know. Pick up the chicken quickly by putting one hand under the crop and another around the rump area or curl the tail onto the rump and pick them up quickly and swifly while getting up. Hold the chicken against your chest area to make the chicken more secure, comfortable, and show that you are not going to drop them. Slowly move your hands to wrap more around the chicken. Cuddle away!

Do not force chickens to be picked up unless they are hurt or need to be moved for a reason. Forcibly picking them up can make them lose your trust
Quick swooping and picking up the chicken or even looming above them before picking them up can make them think that you are a predator or bird of prey.
Don't pull the legs or tail of the chicken.

I know that some of these rules do not apply to special chickens, example, my little Silver Duckwing roo, Falcon, shivers even when panting. He loves cuddles. Before believing that you chicken is special, please do research to make sure you are not doing a false diagnostic, unless of course it is obvious like smashing into walls when not scared or bobing wobbly shaking heads. Special chickens still need some bondries though, so pick them up when their ready please.

For people that don't want to read big paragraphs I'll write this in bold text

If you want to, comment about your cuddly chickens and non cuddly chickens also cuddly Ethfyiids they need cuddles too, even though they have poisonous spikes all over their body and there is not cure. You can also get off topic, I'm fine with that. :celebrate
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Most of mine are cuddle bugs. However, they ask to be picked up, but then duck away from my hands. But when they are in the run, they won't run from me. My EE Vanilla stretches her neck over my shoulder and falls asleep. She's my biggest cuddlebug.
Bipolar cuddle bugs. :lau:love

My two cuddlebunniess are both special and it is hard to tell what they want sometimes. Cuddle? Yes. 5 seconds later No! Why? Food Give Food. Throws food. No Food Only Cuddles Puck Me Up! Me and my roo, a confusion of text there. 🙄
I wish mine loved to cuddle! If I get too near them they run away. They’ve always been skittish. They’re over 3 Months old now so I’m guessing it’s too late to somehow make them love me! Lol
It is never to late to gain the trust of a chicken. If they run from you, give them space so that they don't feel threatened, give them a little tasty treat like sliced apples from time to time. I bonded with my almost one year old chickens with a few apples. They will start to follow you, award them if you want. Next, get down on the ground with food in your hand, hold it in your palm and allow the chicks to snack on it. Soon, you can just sit down and thet will crawl all over you or become brave enough to give you a few curious pecks. You can test contact and eventually they won't shy away. I hope that this helps. :)

Remeber, don't give them to much sugar or acidic fruits. Also never feed them apple seeds because they have poison in them.
It is never to late to gain the trust of a chicken. If they run from you, give them space so that they don't feel threatened, give them a little tasty treat like sliced apples from time to time. I bonded with my almost one year old chickens with a few apples. They will start to follow you, award them if you want. Next, get down on the ground with food in your hand, hold it in your palm and allow the chicks to snack on it. Soon, you can just sit down and thet will crawl all over you or become brave enough to give you a few curious pecks. You can test contact and eventually they won't shy away. I hope that this helps. :)

Remeber, don't give them to much sugar or acidic fruits. Also never feed them apple seeds because they have poison in them.
I’ve tried feeding them from my hand and they don’t like that and plus they’re older now and it hurts when they peck my hand lol
ill keep trying though! Thanks for the tips!

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