Agree with all the above except for the drake part. That is not always the way. Sometimes a drake will even harass the mom on the nest to get her off of it cause he's horny.
Sometimes drakes will harass or kill ducklings.
And even if it goes well for 2 or 3 weeks when they get a little bit bigger, the drake may decide he's going to try and mount them. Which can end horribly.
You just have to watch and be aware of all possibilities and adjust accordingly.
I agree. When the drake pulled the little duckling from the nest and drowned it after a hard rain in a puddle in the pen I knew it was not wise to leave him have access to her. She then deserted the nest and nothing else hatched out. I was heartbroken. All ducks are different though. I had a Muscovy trio years ago, two Hens one Drake. She hatched out 8 babies and they were never bothered. They just kept flying off and I would go gather them up and shoo them back home when they were so far away. That made me rehome them. I should have had netting over the pen but I did not know what I know now and was young at the time. They all got along fine though so sometimes you can get away with it and other times you cannot.
Agree with all the above except for the drake part. That is not always the way. Sometimes a drake will even harass the mom on the nest to get her off of it cause he's horny.
Sometimes drakes will harass or kill ducklings.
And even if it goes well for 2 or 3 weeks when they get a little bit bigger, the drake may decide he's going to try and mount them. Which can end horribly.
You just have to watch and be aware of all possibilities and adjust accordingly.
All my drakes, so far, have been eggcellent dads! Even the Monty Phyton's have been nice and careful to every duckling that had hatched under a Momma Duck. - Ducklings from somewhere else, even from the CCI, are another story…
👀 this little ones head markings look exactly like a famous painting by Edvard Munch…. 😱 i think maybe she has chosen for herself a name ? 😄 MUNCH! and in keeping with the famous painter theme, her sibling must be Called DALI - a personal favorite- oh yes, they are 🧑‍🎨
even their little bodies look like paint brushes dipped in black ink!!!


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