Shocking result of using Frontline Plus on my rooster!

Fipronil isn't approved for use in any livestock species;  It's meant to be used on dogs and cats ONLY,  who are hopefully not eaten here.  Chickens are actually livestock, and any bird could end up sold and eaten, or if a hen, her eggs could be eaten too.  It's a great product, but there are other safer products out there that  are also used  in humans and livestock, with longer track records.  Mary

Would you mind terribly going down the list of other products, other than DE?
For me, after working about 30 years with not one flea ever ever ever on my dogs, Frontline no longer work here in SC. I dont mean it not as effective, or doesnt last a month; I mean the stuff does not work at ALL on my canines. I had to switch to another product.
Personally, I have such issues with creepy bugs that make me or my animals itch, I would NEVER eat another egg if it meant no fleas/mites/lice. Now chicken..........not so much.
Quote: Any insecticide can become ineffective/resistant.

Took my successfully protected(with frontline plus) dog to Tennessee a few years ago, I treated him a week before we went down but he got absolutely infested with fleas. Had to go the Capstar/Comfortis route (and A LOT of vacuuming the house/furniture) for a few months to get them all gone from dogs and house. Went back to frontline plus and no problems since.
Any insecticide can become ineffective/resistant.

Took my successfully protected(with frontline plus) dog to Tennessee a few years ago, I treated him a week before we went down but he got absolutely infested with fleas. Had to go the Capstar/Comfortis route (and A LOT of vacuuming the house/furniture) for a few months to get them all gone from dogs and house. Went back to frontline plus and no problems since.

For me, they dont seem to be infested since i moved to SC. But, I believe some are allergic to flea saliva, so if I count every bite, may as well be infested. I was flipping out when I realized they needed new treatment right away, and the Australian Company I use to save big $ takes too long to wait for shipmemt, so I went to Petsmart to look for Capstar/Comfortis. They had the one that is used every day, Capstar. While there I asked the canine trainer where it was located, and she talked me into K9 Advantix 11. Said she only treats her dogs when she sees a flea, and had not treated them for a year. Hard to believe, but I used Frontline only every other month, which worked great for fleas, not so much for ticks. The Advantix works, but only 30 days exactly, and dogs still get bitten because it can take flea two hours to die. So, I may try Comfortis.
I am wondering, even though it is clearly not approved for use on chickens, if might try the k9 Advantix 11 if I see any bugs. I am aware that DE helps prevent, but highly suspect is does not work for total flea elimination, and should fleas or other creepy crawlies take up residence on my chicks, i have heard on this list one cannot rely on DE to treat.
I am also wondering, do chickens only get the fleas that stick? ( Cant remember name, but they freak me out extra.) Or can chickens slso get the kind of fleas that inhabit cats snd dogs? I would not treat chicks as prevention. But if I had a problem, I would use unapproved chemicals to get rid of them all, and fast. We do not eat our chickens. If I was forced to use chemicals, I would have to lay off eggs till it was safe again.
Flock Master, it seems I have eliminated all other reading materials to ask all these crazy questions?!
Quote: I don't believe Frontline gets ticks...need Frontline Plus for ticks.
I go longer than a month too, maybe 6 weeks.

I only use one dose of Capstar, to knock them down when I first discovered infestation. I keep one on hand in case the FP doesn't work.
It was amazing, put them in a crate lined with white sheet and in 30-60 minutes that sheet was covered with dead fleas.
I don't believe Frontline gets ticks...need Frontline Plus for ticks.
I go longer than a month too, maybe 6 weeks.

I only use one dose of Capstar, to knock them down when I first discovered infestation. I keep one on hand in case the FP doesn't work. 
It was amazing, put them in a crate lined with white sheet and in 30-60 minutes that sheet was covered with dead fleas.

Yes I used to do the same thing 100 years ago with Adams Spray. It is certainly fulfilling in some strange way to see them DIE DIE DIE! Have your birds ever had any fleas, ticks, mites, lice? It is my new fear/obsession!
Quote: Have had lice and scaly leg mites, brought them in with my first flock of adult birds.
Poultry dust with permethrin worked great for the lice, 2 treatments 10 days apart....
.....and bag balm for leg mites, repeat every few weeks until gone.
I have no intentions of eating anyone, but out of curiosity, why?

I know this thread is very old but for anyone that wants to know why it's not good to use Frontline/Fipronil on poultry, here's a good article explaining why. Short answer is that it can take 8 months for it to clear the body, cannot eat the eggs or meat from bird treated with it, at least for that long, and it's a carcinogen.
Yes, it's an older thread, but there's a good point to be made.
There are products that are approved for use on pets, and products used on livestock species, where we don't want pet products entering our food chain. And a product that works, and is considered safe, may become less effective, or considered less safe, years later.
I can think of a number of such products, not to mentions things that work but really aren't safe at all. DDT, for example. Lead lined food containers. Creosote (one I really miss!).

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