My rooster killed the hawk terrorizing our flock.

Recently I woke up to clucking and I thought one thing, "That darn hawk!" I put on my shoes and rushed outside, But it was too late, My rooster, Rocky, Killed that hawk. Blood was over the coop, and our ducks and chickens, Especially our duck Abigail were quacking, My rooster stood on the body, making sure that thing was dead. His foot was against its neck and the other on his body, His entire wing was practically bones, Apparently our black australorp hen went ballistic and also jumped in, (That's just a theory though, considering she had blood on her beak which could have been because of the brutal attack or it was her attacking it.) I would not doubt if she jumped in considering she was in at least the top 3 in the pecking order, It was the same copper's hawk that was terrorizing our flock, It killed one of our neighbor's hens and tried killing the ducks in the pond, Which caused the ducks and geese to relocate, Poor things, My uncle disposed of the corpse and we cleaned the coop, Our duck Margarito got in shock because of the incident but all was well. Guess that's the end of that hawk we checked Rocky for wounds, took him back to the vet, He had one wound but that's it, I will be making a blueberry feast for him.
Wow that's crazy. I never thought they were that aggressive. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to have a rooster where I live or I would have one.

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