Rescue duckling open mouth breathing and head shaking

Maybe just a respiratory infection??? She has no obvious obstructions looking in her mouth but her feet are not all all warm, nor is her bill for that matter

Respiratory infections aren't that common with waterfowl, I would be more inclined to think either a blockage of sorts, or that she inhaled water (Pneumonia). At this point, the latter seems most likely to me.

But, I'm not a vet, nor an expert. So take what I say with a grain salt. :D
Kinda wanna try and tube her to see if it's an obstruction, how would you hold her in place so she doesn't impale herself on the tube?!
My 3 day old buff duckling went thru the same thing, gasping and shaking her head alot, the day I got her, i gave her water, but she clearly did not understand what it was for, and just downed a bunch of food, and had a bunch impacted in her throat, had to massage and work the food in her throat for about 45mins while submerging her bill in water every few minutes to help break up the food, luckily it worked!!! Good luck with your duckling, hope it's just a blockage!!
Here's her at one of the worst moments gasping
It seems like a blockage by behavior but she's not clearing whatever it is and I cannot see anything in the main part of her mouth! So itd have to be down her throat but I don't think I can tube her whithout her injuring herself so I may just leave her be and hope she clears it cause she won't down anything but water and half the time not that either. Plus I doubt she can pass whatever's triggering the blockage(maybe a fishing line judging by location she was found) so it's a lose lose essentially
@Isaac 0 ok this morning, I covered the top of the tank to trap heat a bit bit and gave her egg and softened feed, shell drink the feed water at least🤦 and the vetrx water seems to have helped as well. We're not gasping so far this morning but we are still head shaking and not taking actual food. How would I hold her still to tube feed?
@Isaac 0 ok this morning, I covered the top of the tank to trap heat a bit bit and gave her egg and softened feed, shell drink the feed water at least🤦 and the vetrx water seems to have helped as well. We're not gasping so far this morning but we are still head shaking and not taking actual food. How would I hold her still to tube feed?

With one hand, grasp your hand around her body, then using your index finger and either your thumb or middle finger of the same hand gently extend her neck out. With the other hand, pinch the tube several inches right below the tip and lower it down the right side of her neck. She may be reluctant to open her mouth, so you may have to gently pinch the external corners of her mouth to get it open. Make sure to lube the tube up, and be calm, careful, and gentle with her.
Well I was about to do this only for her to start eating this morning!!! Our gasping has ceased and we're downing wet food enough to have basic brown squishy poops! I think she had a slight case of pneumonia and trapping the warm air in the tank all night helped clear up the mucus along with the vetrx. She's not eating vigorously but she's eating small mouthfuls and drinking at pretty regular intervals🤞🤞.

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