Rescue duckling open mouth breathing and head shaking

Oh... I treated her water with vetrx and it seems to have temporarily relieved whatever is wrong, still not keen on swallowing I'll try and get a look down her throat. I think it also might be sore from calling for mom however long she was outside alone in the rain(long enough to be 5 minutes from dead)

She's haunch sitting mostly, but she can actually stand and walk now which is better than when I found her obviously
How long does she have to survive before we know aspirglosses won't kill her?(if it is such.) I was planning on giving her five days to recuperate before returning to the park and finding momma, or giving her to someone with ducklings currently.
Tried getting a vid but it won't load 😫 she's honestly alot more active I think shell make it to tommorrow on water and crumble dust, I'm gonna give her egg and buy yogurt tommorrow to she if I can get her eating semi solids as she take food dissolved in water (unfortunately at that point it's not nutritional anymore)
How long does she have to survive before we know aspirglosses won't kill her?(if it is such.) I was planning on giving her five days to recuperate before returning to the park and finding momma, or giving her to someone with ducklings currently.

I may be wrong, but this doesn't look like Aspergillus.

Tried getting a vid but it won't load 😫 she's honestly alot more active I think shell make it to tommorrow on water and crumble dust, I'm gonna give her egg and buy yogurt tommorrow to she if I can get her eating semi solids as she take food dissolved in water (unfortunately at that point it's not nutritional anymore)

Glad to hear she's doing better.
Maybe just a respiratory infection??? She has no obvious obstructions looking in her mouth but her feet are not all all warm, nor is her bill for that matter

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