Please help! I think my flock is experiencing a respiratory infection


In the Brooder
Nov 29, 2023
So a few days ago I made a post about my rooster Steve making a very strange moaning sound. Well today, one of my hens is sneezing and making wheezing sounds. She is still active and has no nasal discharge but I think it’s a respiratory infection going through my flock. I have never treated for this before so im not sure what to get. I do not have access to perscription antibiotics. I have 24 chickens and want to treat the whole flock. I have read about Tylan as a treatment method. Could you use this for chickens and use it orally instead as an injection? Is this is accurate, what would the dosage amount and time be? Where would I be able to find this without a prescription? Is there a better treatment method (preferably no injectable medication)? I have access to Amazon, chewy, & Tractor Supply. I have also read good things about VET RX VETRX Poultry Remedy. Could I use this in addition with another treatment? The temperature has dropped recently where I’m at (just right above freezing) is it possible they aren’t warm enough and it could be affecting their immune system? Thank you!!
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So a few days ago I made a post about my rooster Steve making a very strange moaning sound. Well today, one of my hens is sneezing and making wheezing sounds. She is still active and has no nasal discharge but I think it’s a respiratory infection going through my flock. I have never treated for this before so im not sure what to get. I do not have access to perscription antibiotics. I have 24 chickens and want to treat the whole flock. I have read about Tylan as a treatment method. Could you use this for chickens and use it orally instead as an injection? Is this is accurate, what would the dosage amount and time be? Where would I be able to find this without a prescription? Is there a better treatment method (preferably no injectable medication)? I have access to Amazon, chewy, & Tractor Supply. I have also read good things about VET RX VETRX Poultry Remedy. Could I use this in addition with another treatment? The temperature has dropped recently where I’m at (just right above freezing) is it possible they aren’t warm enough and it could be affecting their immune system? Thank you!!
Same rooster as this other thread?
I see it looks like you tried to reply or at least you quoted my post, but I see no words from you on that post.

Have you brought in new birds recently?
Added new bedding that they aren't used to?
Closed up housing/coop and now ventilation is poor or ammonia is building up?

You will likely not find Injectable Tylan50 or 200 at TSC, most abx were pulled from shelves earlier this year due to new regulations. Injectable Tylan can be given orally to each bird by weight.

It's best to just treat birds that are symptomatic, but if you wish to treat all, then using Tylosin Powder would be your best alternative. Tylan/Tylosin will treat symptoms of respiratory illness like Mycoplasma. Remember if you are dealing with Mycoplasma, there's no cure and birds are considered carriers for life.

There are many respiratory illnesses that can affect poultry, some are viral which have to run their course, some are bacterial or bacteria-like. Here's a good breakdown of common poultry diseases :
Same rooster as this other thread?
I see it looks like you tried to reply or at least you quoted my post, but I see no words from you on that post.

Have you brought in new birds recently?
Added new bedding that they aren't used to?
Closed up housing/coop and now ventilation is poor or ammonia is building up?

You will likely not find Injectable Tylan50 or 200 at TSC, most abx were pulled from shelves earlier this year due to new regulations. Injectable Tylan can be given orally to each bird by weight.

It's best to just treat birds that are symptomatic, but if you wish to treat all, then using Tylosin Powder would be your best alternative. Tylan/Tylosin will treat symptoms of respiratory illness like Mycoplasma. Remember if you are dealing with Mycoplasma, there's no cure and birds are considered carriers for life.

There are many respiratory illnesses that can affect poultry, some are viral which have to run their course, some are bacterial or bacteria-like. Here's a good breakdown of common poultry diseases :
I’m sorry, I’m not sure why my reply in the other thread didn’t work. Steve crows normally and I examined his body and found nothing abnormal. I gave all of my chickens the VetRx in their water and now none of my hens are sneezing anymore. Steve is still making that strange noise. I got Steve along with a few hens 6 months ago. I raised them since they where about 5 weeks old. My biggest concern is that my flock of 25 chickens might have Marek's disease. I had a young 4-month-old chicken that was given to me pass away a few weeks ago. She had two huge tumors appear on in her body that grew rapidly, her right wing was paralyzed her last few days alive, and she constantly made a sad crowing noise. The whole time she was running around and eating though. I made an appointment to humanly euthanize her and get a necropsy at my vet but she passed away overnight a few days before her appointment. They said her body was too decomposed already to exam. Steve is a rumpless rooster who has constantly had a poopy butt for as long as I’ve had him. His still is always constantly loose like diarrhea. I have treated my whole flock for coccidiosis before and I have dewormed them. I’ve also tried probiotics and electrolytes but his stool is still loose. Steve had no tumors or paralysis but his poop has gotten even worse. It is extremely loose and smells very foul. I have been trimming his feathers and cleaning his butt with warm water. I know loose green stool could also be a symptom of Mareck’s. He is eating and drinking fine. But so was my chicken that passed away, she also declined rapidly in the week that she passed. Steve’s vent seems to be irritated and raw. I have been car full to make sure not to irritate the area. As where the exposure of the disease could come from I’m thinking possibly from my neighbors. Over the last few months at least six other neighbors have gotten chickens. I’ve caught one neighbor letting them free range in my yard. I do not know if Steve or my chicken that passed was vaccinated for the disease. I have chickens ranging from ages 4 years - 4 months old from different hatcheries and local places. Everyone else is currently fine. If you have any advice at all it is much appreciated


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I'm sorry to hear about your pullet.

Marek's may have been the cause of her tumors, but without the testing, it's hard to know.
Just for future reference, if you plan on having necropsy if you lose another one, wrap the body in plastic, then refrigerate the body or you can place it in an ice chest to keep it cool. Don't freeze. If your vet is willing to do the services that's good, but a lot of people use their State Lab which may (or may not!) be more economical. Often if you need to, you can ship the body to your lab (they will have instructions on how to do this), but this Thread may also help you a well.

Now, for Steve.
What do you feed him, including treats?

Give him a good wash up and check his vent - is there any signs of prolapse, any mites around the vent and signs of injury. Apply some NuStock cream or Hen Healer to the vent to help the poop from sticking and the skin from being raw. Nustock stinks, it's sulfur based, so wear gloves. Hen Healer is BRIGHT Blue, but doesn't stain very much, it's lanolin based, but his butt will be blue, but if he's alone, then you don't have to worry about curious hens.

You dewormed - what did you use and the dose?
You treated for Coccidiosis - what did you use and the dose?

Is his crop emptying overnight?

His actions when he moans or makes that sound is still interesting. Look inside his beak again for any lesions.
If possible, have your vet check him out, but that can be $$$. I'd be inclined to try the Tylan to see if that makes a difference.

The loose poop, give him some white cooked rice with a little buttermilk for a few days, see if that helps firm it up.

I'm going to tag in @coach723 and @Eggcessive to see if they have any ideas.
Also linking the Original Thread with the video so they can see and hear him.
I agree with everything @Wyorp Rock has said. I would get some Tylosin and try that to see if it helps. I've never heard quite that sound from any of my birds, it doesn't sound like common stridor from an airway restriction. At the end of the video it almost looks like he's straining in some way when he makes the sound. It's also possible that he has some kind of bacterial infection affecting his digestive tract, which would explain the droppings and smell. But if it's respiratory, that could be it also, it affects their entire system. The vet ($$) could test the droppings for any possible parasites or bacteria. If you don't get results with the Tylan then I would try amoxicillin, you can get that online without RX as a fish antibiotic, Aqua Mox, dose would be 57 mg per pound of body weight twice a day , orally, for 5 days. The only way to truly rule Marek's disease in or out is a necropsy. Your state lab may be the best option, it costs nothing to call and ask for particulars. There are other illnesses that can sometimes mimic Marek's disease, Lymphoid Leukosis being one. Whatever the ultimate cause is, it would be good to know in the event it might affect your flock, then you would know for sure and what treatments might be best if another is affected.

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